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Can not run/debug TouchGFX on STM32F750N8H6 - STM32F7508-DK

Associate II


I can't debug and run in STM32CubeIDE any program on my discovery kit. I have error

No source available for "_binary_______ExtMem_Boot_Binary_Bootloader_bin_start() at 0x8001ece"

When I'm trying build auto project in touchGFX Designer everything works, but when I'm trying to run this project in STM32CubeIDE it doesn't works. My Debugger Console says

Temporary breakpoint 1, main () at C:/TouchGFXProjects/MyApplication_6/Core/Src/main.c:544
544	  MPU_Region_InitTypeDef MPU_InitStruct = {0};
Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x08001ece in _binary_______ExtMem_Boot_Binary_Bootloader_bin_start ()

I was trying to build it with my pin and empty the same which I generated in Designer. At first i tried to do it with myself, but I fail. Next I tried solution from video from link.

I saw something about ExtBoot here too:

I'm student and I'm trying to do project in college so my knowledge isn't that good, but I tried other discovery kit and that kit works, but that don't have touchgfx and LCD. Here I can't run projects with touchGFX and without. Especially if I want add my external devices which I tried to pin. Can someone help me with it? What I'm doing wrong? I searched tons of materials and it's very problematic for me :/


Yes does seem a bit awkward for a first outing.

Perhaps you could pretend it is an F746G-DISCO ?

ST tools might block this based on reported flash size, whereas the die itself likely has the full complement.

General problem here is it needs to run code from the QSPI or SDRAM, but both these interfaces need to be up before you, or the debugger, can access them.

Also if you have the loader in place you want to be debugging the code that's on the other devices.

In Keil I might opt for a run-from-RAM approach with a debugger script to bring up the SDRAM and/or QSPI

CubeIDE might be more amenable to having your code in Internal SRAM

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Pretend in everything? I tried run it like it would be F746G-DISCO on several ways, this from video too, but in this case it not even run. It's trying to erase memory, but it can't so my program is not even on the device and I have errors connected with STM32F746G_DISCO.elf. I see white screen like here. LED which I was testing not working too0693W00000AOO4AQAX.jpgif I reset my device I see old program, but still pins somehow don't want to work doesn't matter it's F7508-DK or pretending F746G

Bellow I send how I connect pins for exclude story with wrong connected pins. I'm sure program which I wrote is okay, coz on other device I wrote it simillar (other pins) and it works fine. All I'm trying to do for now is only blinking led what should be very easy


Associate II

Maybe it will help others in the future. I fought with my teacher to fix that problem and still device is not available to debug, but now it works. All you have to do is:

  1. Create new Task in FREERTOS
  2. Write program in your new task and work on real time

Maybe someone who is student like me or new in STM32 will use it in the future. About debuging I saw something here:

but others didn't resolve it too :( so 1 thing from here is not resolved yet. If you compile your program and after it restart your device it start work, but you don't have access to debugging