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Does anyone have a working example of Partial frame strategy on a STM32f407 device with an FSMC linked screen controller like SSD1963?

Associate II

I am trying to get basic TouchGFX graphics working on STM32F407 over FSMC to an SSD1963 screen controller. I am getting the following errors on compile:

#error "a user must call touchgfx::startnewtransfer(); once touchgfxDisplayDriverTransmitBlock(): has successfully sent a block."


#error "a user must implement C-Methods touchgfxDisplayDriverTransmitActive() and touchgfxDisplayDriverTransmitBlock() used by the partial Framebuffer Strategy."

In the 'StartGFXTask' RTOS task i only have 'MX_TouchGFX_Process();' but should this not be enough to start the TGFX engine?


Accepted Solutions
Chief II

You need after generate code for partial framebuffer implement this methods and comment out error lines. Read docu

Framebuffer Strategies | TouchGFX Documentation

Lowering Memory Usage with Partial Framebuffer | TouchGFX Documentation

View solution in original post

Chief II

You need after generate code for partial framebuffer implement this methods and comment out error lines. Read docu

Framebuffer Strategies | TouchGFX Documentation

Lowering Memory Usage with Partial Framebuffer | TouchGFX Documentation

Thank you for the response. I understand now that those errors are deliberately there to make sure you implement the strategy properly and can be commented out. I understand what they are saying in these documents but in the final section they only provide methods to transfer the frame buffer to the screen using LTDC/DSI, and SPI interfaces. They do not explain how to do it using the FSMC (LCD) interface. This is where i think I am getting stuck.

One click on link one down move to FMC and SPI Display Interface | TouchGFX Documentation
CopyRect is same.

Ah yes of course i see now, thank you!