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Associate II

Hi Team 

I am using STM32H7B31-DK

I want to use display that is on the board and show my print messages on the screen I see that 

i want an application code that helps me to send the print messages data to the LCD on the board 

i see that there is nothing like LCD read and write functions similar to UART

Please help me out how to use this code and initialize the display and send my print messages 

I see that LTDC that is enabled on my board ia m not sure how to use this and display my messages or any apis

Thank you

Deepak R 

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Look in Cube examples for Discovery - like boards with LCD. The BSP drivers for these boards can draw text.

-- pa

Thing is that the display doesn't work like a UART. The ​frame buffer is full of pixels, like a bitmap file, text has to be draw from a font table, and a pointer into the display advanced. Once the available space has been exhausted the frame buffer needs to be scrolled up a line to allow a new one to be started/filled.

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I am planning to use an external power supply instead of stlink cable so I am not sure if usart still works to get the logs if I change the pin configuration hence thought of using display to see the text

can you please guide me a way so that I still get the logs but use a different power supply (I.e from a battery device instead of USB ) I hope this works if I use power supply from arduino

Can you please share those examples I see that these examples does not have a IOC extension files to enable other features like RTos

I need rtos combined with display example

If board has ​MicroSD card or eMMC one could log data to those.

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Hi clive

yes it has SD card. But what is the procedure to get that working

Can I get a code of display even if complete screen changes it’s ok I want to make sure system is running and changes are seen

You'll need to work through the CubeH7 supplied example, applications and demos for the board, and then extract the functionality you need.​

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