2018-11-29 6:03 AM
i tried to generate for STM32f429i disco a project with graphic = touchgfx.
1) i generate cubemx (for STM32f429i disco) project for SW4STM32 toolchain
2) i generate a simple touchgfx project for SW4STM32 toolchain
But compilation under eclipse gives the following errors :
HALSDL2.hpp:22:10: fatal error: SDL2/SDL_video.h: No such file or directory
HALSDL2.hpp:22:10: fatal error:SDL2/SDL_render.h: No such file or directory
main.cpp:30:10: fatal error: shellapi.h: No such file or directory
I can i solve these compilation errors ?
best regards
2018-11-29 6:24 AM
Is there actually an SDL2 subdirectory?
Is it local or one described in an "Includes Path"?
2018-11-30 12:40 AM
Thanks for your reply
for SDL2 subdirectory i found it and it works modifiyng include path : platform/hal/simulator/sdl2/vendor/SDL2
But there is no shellapi.h file refered in main.cpp.
Have you any idea to solve this ?
Is there a tutorial to generate without trouble touchGFX application with cubemx ?
2018-11-30 12:56 AM
i exclude from compilation simulator ; i think it is not required for target discovery.
But now i have problem in HALSDL2.cpp
from ../Middlewares/ST/TouchGFX/touchgfx/framework/source/platform/hal/simulator/sdl2/HALSDL2.cpp:16:
C:/aStill/workspace_cubemx/essai_gfx3/Middlewares/ST/TouchGFX/touchgfx/framework/include/platform/hal/simulator/sdl2/vendor/SDL2/SDL_stdinc.h:261:50: error: size of array 'SDL_dummy_enum' is negative
typedef int SDL_dummy_ ## name[(x) * 2 - 1]
I would appreciate to find a tutorial to generate without trouble touchGFX application with cubemx ...
2018-12-03 6:14 PM
Thanks for the suggestion of modifying the include path. I have the exact same problem as you. I hope someone has a quick response. I will keep trying and will post any solutions here. I just wanted to add my voice to this thread.
2018-12-05 1:34 AM
i also ecluded from build the HALSDL2.cpp
Now build is OK , but nothing appears on the display...
have you been able to have a touchgfx screen generated by cubemx running on STM32f429i discovery board ?
2018-12-13 2:28 PM
I am in the same boat as you. I have been unsuccessful at creating a GUI using Touchgfx and CubeMX on system workbench. Yes, one of the biggest problems is the fact that the touchgfx software includes files for the simulator in the project. Those references are not necessary for STM32 work and as I understand it, are only there to simulate the project in windows. There is little information around to address this. There is a long path to getting a touchgfx gui for these processors and I suppose that is what everyone else is doing. I am not very experienced with GUIs so I am out of luck until ST releases a fix. :) For your problem, since now you get a good compile, are you using RTOS? if so, you may want to disable it and see if the screen comes up then.
2018-12-13 4:49 PM
If you use SW4STM32 of TrueSTUDIO as the toolchain/IDE.
Try to NOT select the "under the root" checkbox in CubeMX project manager.
Project structure use "Advanced".
Delete all files and directories you generated previously.
And generate code through CubeMX again.
2018-12-14 7:37 AM
Thank you. I will try that.
2018-12-14 2:29 PM
Thanks again. Unfortunately this did not work for me. I have several folder links that are missing. I think all of them have to do with Touchgfx includes. I tried to upload a picture of the missing links but this button below does not seem to work :(
Anyways, I followed your instructions. It seems that now, there is no Inc folder in the project but instead, all includes are linked to folders. The same happens either on TrueStudio or SW4STM32. My steps were as follows:
Thanks again for taking the time to read this topic.