2021-03-15 4:32 AM
Having issues running a GUI project generated using CubeIDE with TouchGFX application. Please see details below:
Software Versions in use:
Steps followed to start a test project:
A new project created using TouchGFX runs with no issues.
Attached : STM32CubeIDE & TouchGFX projects
2021-03-15 4:40 AM
And what is your question?
2021-03-15 5:20 AM
When doing a 'custom' project this way, you have to write the MX_TouchGFX_Process(); call in the task you created for it. Insert at around line 934. The call is captive so don't use the task for anything else. Create a separate task for HW interactions.
Why is that tGFX doesn't 'just' work? well, the code generator haven't got any idea of which task to setup to run this task so you have to do it yourself.
@Martin KJELDSEN - this would actually make really good sense when talking 'ease of use': When enabling tGFX, having a checkmark saying something like 'autogenerate task for tGFX' (if using RTOS of course). This could setup the total heap and create a separate tGFX task that can fire the _process() method.
2021-03-15 5:21 AM
Q1: What do I need to change in STM32CubeIDE project to make it display graphics on the board.
Q2: In attached test project I only have 2 simple TouchGFX screens and yet the IDE is showing 99.93% RAM usage. Is this normal or have I missed some setting to further optimise the code?
2021-03-15 5:25 AM
Quick question: what is your board revision ? The latest one (rev E) seems to not work with our application template at the moment unfortunately.
2021-03-15 5:31 AM
RAM usage is based on method where you place framebuffer. Check your code and use external SDRAM ...
2021-03-15 5:33 AM
I cant see a revision number on my board but I did purchase it back in April 2019 so I doubt that's the latest revision. Also on the back there's a stock number with C-01 so i assume its rev C ?
2021-03-15 5:47 AM
Understood. I wrongly assumed the call to gfx process calls will be generated when generating the code from TouchGFX but I can now see the separation of two codes (TouchGFX and CubeIDE).
2021-03-15 5:49 AM
Changing buffer location from "By Allocation" to "By Address" reduced RAM usage from 99% to 22%.
2021-03-16 2:25 AM
We're struggling a bit with the freertos/task interface when using x-cube-touchgfx. It's definitely something that would be great to enhance and allow more control of - Especially with upcoming video decoder support which requires an additional task.