‎2020-02-26 4:41 AM
I have just spent two days configuring STM32F746GDISCOVERY graphic application via CUBEMX an finally get it work. So I'm sharing my steps.
It is written for dummies like me =)
Many thanks to Martin Kjeldsen for background information.
There are DOCx, RARed images, ioc file and whole project in the attachmments.
Edit: I should have mentioned that all the code added to main.c and other settings are from project generated by TouchGFX Designer.
Edit2: QUAD SPI is not configured corretly, here is the roght configuration in the video:
‎2020-03-12 12:56 AM
Yes, STM32F746G-DISCOVERY. QSPI is only needed for storing large images if the controller's FLASH memory is not enough?
I figured it out.
Deleted #include <stm32746g_discovery_qspi.h> from STM32CCubeIDE -> Project -> Core -> main.c
Deleted "stm32746g_discovery_qspi.c" and "stm32746g_discovery_qspi.h" from STM32CCubeIDE->Project->Drivers->BSP
Deleted "n25q128a" from STM32CCubeIDE->Project->Drivers->BSP->Components
‎2020-03-12 1:37 AM
Great. I have just figured out that I actually didn't used QSPI :)
Here is everything in the video: