2021-12-03 12:25 AM
I was using 4.17.0 and I load 4.18.0. but after compiling and loading project to my board colors are distorted.
Some colors are converted to blue,pink, red. It seems color settings are same in Touchgfx designer.
How can I solve this problem.
2021-12-06 6:30 AM
Could you try to generate code from STM32CubeMX and then from TouchGFX ? What mcu are you using ? Are you using a custom board or an ST development kit ?
2021-12-07 12:02 AM
I hadnt generated code from cubeMX, problem solved after generation.
2021-12-07 12:23 AM
Good to hear it solved it :thumbs_up: It isn't always necessary but the color issue made me think that their might have not been a full upgrade of the project, so generating from STM32CubeMX and then TouchGFX Designer is always a good first step when investigating.