2021-01-05 2:58 AM
In the process for learning to use TouchGFX, I encounter a weird issue, confirmed with two different boards and two different TGFX application templates:
When I generate the project with TGFX Designer, import it in CubeIDE, compile it; set the right external flash loader and launch it, it works as expected.
But, if I open the .ioc file with cubeMX (both version: embedded in CubeIDE or standalone) regenerate the code (without upgrading the Cube firmware package version) and launch the software, it run without error but only display the background image but not the text for the first board (32G071) and the animation for the second (32F412).
In addition, If I allow CubeMX to upgrade the firmware package then the project become unusable and can’t compile: the folder containing the HAL (ProjectRoot\Drivers\STM32G0xx_HAL_Driver) is cleared by the upgrade process.
My IDE install is fresh, as the workspace used for those tests
I use :
Am I missing something ? I only do very basic and standards action. Are they version limitations between TGFX, CubeMX and Firmware packages ?
2021-04-19 4:57 AM
From the log this error does not seem linked to the FW package. Have you regenerated code from TouchGFX after generating code from STM32CubeMX ?