2021-02-12 3:01 AM
Really need to implement a external data reader with a display that only has the capability of 24 bpp of color depth. If i make the change between RGB565 to RGB88 manually on the Display_Bitmap function the speed dercreases a lot. So it would be possible to have the 24 bpp selected in the touchgfx configuration and make a external data reader manually?
2021-02-12 6:00 AM
Changing to RGB888 is global code change , you need do it in CubeMX or generate new TouchGFX with 24bit setup.
External data reader you can use in any depth config, but your data need have defined format. Simply way is generate section file and store it externaly.
Try explain , what is your issue?
2021-02-12 6:54 AM
I have an ili9488 display and i am using a low cost hardare and using an external spi flash. If i select the 24 bpp depth, the external data reader option in CubeMX dissapear. It is only available if i select RGB565 (16 bpp). If i use RGB565 and manually convert it to RGB888 it is very low for my application, so i really need to work directly with the 24 bpp option, but i also would want to use the external data reader option
2021-02-12 9:36 AM
Yes it dissapear , but this choice is next ST bug in MX, in my tested 4.15 when apear cant be set to Enabled and i mean isnt functional at all.
Read and do your code by reference , and not wait from MX ready code. External reading is only necessary for not memory mapped devices...
See Using Non-Memory Mapped Flash for Storing Images | TouchGFX Documentation
2021-02-16 11:11 PM
I have tried this option in the 4.15 and is working. I use it with 16 bpp displays. However, i need to use it with a 24 bpp display. I have tried to add it externally for my own, but the MX generated files use hal functions, for example "hal.setDataReader" or the calss "LCD16bppSerialFlash" and it seems difficult to implement new ones but for the 24 bpp option..
2021-04-07 2:27 AM
Hi Kjilguero,
Have you solved this issue? I have the same problem... It seems the 4.16 still don't work for 24 bpp option.
2021-04-19 3:44 AM
No... i was trying to work with the 16 bpp option and manually convert it to 24 bpp, but this solution was not fast enough. So in the end i change the display for a 16bpp option