2021-02-10 02:51 AM
I added "graph clicked trigger" to graph and generated code. In the MainView Base.cpp graph.setClick Action(graphClickCallback) gived this error.
Error[Pe434]: a reference of type "touchgfx::GenericCallback<touchgfx::GraphWrapAndClear<(int16_t)100> const &, touchgfx::ClickEvent const &> &" (not const-qualified) cannot be initialized with a value of type
"touchgfx::Callback<MainViewBase, touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph const &, touchgfx::AbstractDataGraph::GraphClickEvent const &>"
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-02-10 03:02 AM
I solved error by uncheck ClickListener in MIXINS.
2021-02-10 03:02 AM
I solved error by uncheck ClickListener in MIXINS.
2021-02-11 12:05 AM
Interesting, what were you trying to do ?
2021-02-11 03:02 AM
I was doing Dynamic Graph Widget - TouchGFX on Youtube and I thought I had to add "click listener" to be able to use ClickEvent.hpp