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Failing to implement HAL_PKA_ECCCompleteAddition correctly

Associate II


I am struggling to get `HAL_PKA_ECCCompleteAddition` implemented correctly, that is, if I'm comparing the projective coordinates with a reference implementation, the results don't match. Same goes for converting the projective coordinates back to affine coordinates using `HAL_PKA_ECCProjective2Affine`. 

I am using a STM32u585vi microprocessor, and was able to use `HAL_PKA_ECCMul` properly already.


See below the function that shows incorrect results. Could you please provide help to proceed here?

ps. In its current form, the projective X coordinate produces equal results as a C# BountyCastle reference implementation. 



bool ecc_secp256r1_add_points_projective(const generator_point_t* p1, const generator_point_t* p2, generator_point_t* pOut) { const uint8_t Z_projective_input[prime256v1_Prime_len] = {[0] = 0, [31] = 1}; uint8_t X[prime256v1_Prime_len]; uint8_t Y[prime256v1_Prime_len]; uint8_t Z[prime256v1_Prime_len]; PKA_ECCCompleteAdditionInTypeDef eccAddInput = { .modulusSize = prime256v1_Prime_len, .modulus = prime256v1_Prime, // Curve prime .coefA = prime256v1_absA, /* PKA operation need abs(a) */ .coefSign = prime256v1_A_sign, // Coefficient sign .basePointX1 = p1->x, .basePointY1 = p1->y, .basePointZ1 = Z_projective_input, .basePointX2 = p2->x, .basePointY2 = p2->y, .basePointZ2 = Z_projective_input, }; if (HAL_PKA_ECCCompleteAddition(&hpka, &eccAddInput, HAL_MAX_DELAY) != HAL_OK) { return false; } PKA_ECCCompleteAdditionOutTypeDef eccAddOutput = { .ptX = X, .ptY = Y, .ptZ = Z, }; HAL_PKA_ECCCompleteAddition_GetResult(&hpka, &eccAddOutput); // This is an effort to convert the coordinates manually, which failed, and I want to use the hardware acceleration // if (ecc_convert_to_affine(X, Y, Z, pOut->x, pOut->y) == false) { // return false; // } { PKA_MontgomeryParamInTypeDef montgomeryParamIn = { .size = prime256v1_Prime_len, .pOp1 = prime256v1_Prime, }; if (HAL_PKA_MontgomeryParam(&hpka, &montgomeryParamIn, HAL_MAX_DELAY) != HAL_OK) { return false; } } uint32_t montgomeryparam[8] = {0}; HAL_PKA_MontgomeryParam_GetResult(&hpka, montgomeryparam); /** After performing the ECC addition or other operations, we need to normalize the resulting point from projective coordinates to affine coordinates. */ { PKA_ECCProjective2AffineInTypeDef eccNormalizeInput = { .modulusSize = prime256v1_Prime_len, .modulus = prime256v1_Prime, /*!< pointer to curve modulus value p */ .basePointX = X, /*!< pointer to curve base point coordinate x */ .basePointY = Y, /*!< pointer to curve base point coordinate y */ .basePointZ = Z, /*!< pointer to curve base point coordinate z */ .pMontgomeryParam = montgomeryparam, // secp256r1_R2_mod_p, }; HAL_PKA_ECCProjective2Affine(&hpka, &eccNormalizeInput, HAL_MAX_DELAY); PKA_ECCProjective2AffineOutTypeDef eccNormalizeOutput = { .ptX = pOut->x, .ptY = pOut->y, }; HAL_PKA_ECCProjective2Affine_GetResult(&hpka, &eccNormalizeOutput); return true; } }
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ST Employee

Hello @MaartenMJR ,

After a quick look to the code you are providing and I'm wondering if X Y Z buffers to output results should be based as addresses as the .ptX and .ptY should get a pointer as parameter.

Can you check the implementation of STM32CubeU5/Projects/B-U585I-IOT02A/Examples/PKA/PKA_ECCProjective2Affine at main · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeU5
as a reference for your implementation?
Also, could you provide the source of test vectors you are using to test this function?

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Associate II

Thanks for your response, and the (Montgomery) implementation reference (see below about that).

For a reference I use 2x multiplication of the generator base point, see below snippet. `double_origin_expected` gives the same results as in a python implementation. However, the `ecc_secp256r1_add_points_projective` does not give the same results.

// Multiply generator base point with 2, and compare with (base point + base point) generator_point_t double_origin_expected; const uint8_t scalar_2[prime256v1_Order_len] = {[31] = 2}; assert(ecc_secp256r1_multiply_base((buffer_view_t){.buffer = scalar_2, .size = sizeof(scalar_2)}, &double_origin_expected) == true); const generator_point_t* const generator_origin = (generator_point_t*)&prime256v1_Generator[1]; generator_point_t double_origin; //assert(ecc_secp256r1_add_points_affine(generator_origin, generator_origin, &double_origin) == true); assert(ecc_secp256r1_add_points_projective(generator_origin, generator_origin, &double_origin) == true); assert(memcmp(double_origin_expected.x, double_origin.x, sizeof(double_origin.x)) == 0); assert(memcmp(double_origin_expected.y, double_origin.y, sizeof(double_origin.y)) == 0);

With the provided reference I'm able to verify that the computation of the MontgomeryParameter is correct:

{ const uint32_t input1_1PKA_ECC_ConvToAffine_IN_MONTGOMERY_PARAM[] = {0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000}; const uint8_t prime192v1[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; // Test montgomery param { PKA_MontgomeryParamInTypeDef montgomeryParamIn = { .size = sizeof(prime192v1), .pOp1 = prime192v1, }; assert(HAL_PKA_MontgomeryParam(&hpka, &montgomeryParamIn, HAL_MAX_DELAY) == HAL_OK); } uint32_t montgomeryparam[sizeof(input1_1PKA_ECC_ConvToAffine_IN_MONTGOMERY_PARAM) / sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0}; HAL_PKA_MontgomeryParam_GetResult(&hpka, montgomeryparam); assert(memcmp(montgomeryparam, input1_1PKA_ECC_ConvToAffine_IN_MONTGOMERY_PARAM, sizeof(montgomeryparam)) == 0); }

Still I can't figure out why the `ecc_secp256r1_add_points_projective` computation remains faulty. Any ideas?

Note: In this example, the `Y` coordinate in ecc_secp256r1_add_points_projective is correct, but the `X` and `Z` coordinates not, and of course the affine result is then also incorrect.