2021-02-11 2:41 AM
I have found a number of soulutions for this, but they all seems to be "old" and the make file that thes sugest changing in is regenerated every time one open the simulator.
In the simulator/gcc file there are an parameter ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_PATHS. If I add one path here it's ok, but I need to add 2 path:s. I have some aditional drivers on a different path then the main application in stm32cubeIDE. I guess I also have to add path:s to freertos later on.
Do anyone know how to add multipple include path's?
My make file looks like this... if I add anything behind $(core_path) it dosen't work...
My core_path works OK.
project_path := $(call qs,$(abspath $(call sq,$(makefile_path)../../..)))
core_path := $(project_path)/Core/Inc
freeRtos_path := $(call qs,$(abspath $(call sq,$(project_path)/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/include)))
driver_path := $(call qs,$(abspath $(call sq,$(project_path)/Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc)))