2021-10-12 2:05 PM
It looks like STM32L496xx.h does not have the hash peripheral definitions in it. e.g. The STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.16.0 examples for STM32L496 HASH peripheral are all configured to use the STM32L4A6xx.
Does ST have a plan to update STM32L496xx.h?, or
Is it ST's accepted solution to define the L496 MCU as STM32L4A6xx?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-10-13 7:38 AM
Hello @jrgert ,
Thank you for rising this up.
I confirm Jan's answer, the AES and Hash are for crypto only available on STM32L4A6, should not be available on STM32L496.
There are also some wrong notes in the RM0351 which should be fixed (like "HASH available on STM32L49x/L4Ax devices only")
I created an internal ticket (115669) to request correction.
PS: Internal ticket (115669) is not accessible or usable by customers.
Thanks for your contribution.
When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best. This will help other users find that answer faster.
2021-10-12 2:08 PM
The 'L496 does not have the crypto features, including HASH.
2021-10-12 3:05 PM
Well, yeah, I feel dumb. I skipped over the user manual saying "This section applies to STM32L4Ax devices only." :dizzy_face:
I did however open the example project under ...\STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.16.0\Projects\NUCLEO-L496ZG\Examples\HASH\HASH_SHA224SHA256_DMA
loaded it onto my NUCLEO L496ZG and it works!?
mask error, or undocumented behavior perhaps.
2021-10-13 7:38 AM
Hello @jrgert ,
Thank you for rising this up.
I confirm Jan's answer, the AES and Hash are for crypto only available on STM32L4A6, should not be available on STM32L496.
There are also some wrong notes in the RM0351 which should be fixed (like "HASH available on STM32L49x/L4Ax devices only")
I created an internal ticket (115669) to request correction.
PS: Internal ticket (115669) is not accessible or usable by customers.
Thanks for your contribution.
When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best. This will help other users find that answer faster.