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STM32f030k6 CRC Config error

Associate II

I want to use CRC on STM32f030k6, but as soon as I enable it, some errors appear and compilation fails.

Even when I want to use EEPROM Emulation example for the above micro, again it fails to compile.

What is wrong?

STM32CubeIDE - Version: 1.10.1

STM32CubeF0 Firmware Package V1.11.0

Associate II

As far as I investigated, the first part of your statement is right: STM32F0 has a simple CRC with limited settings.

But about the second part, I make no mistake choosing my micro from the list.

I think the problem is due to STMCubeIDE lacking integrity and compatibility. Because even if I choose STM32f030k6 and enable its CRC in simplest mode, again the above errors appear!

I'm not using CubeMX/CubeIDE and this code generation / boilerplate stuff, so I'm not going to get into an argument about who's fault specifically this is, as honestly I don't care.

You're trying to compile a project where the code, the settings, or something is internally inconsistent, and divergent from reality.

Modify the code or project metadata so that it works with CPU you have. It's perhaps a define somewhere, in one of the files, or passed to the compiler's command line.

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Final Answer:

Yes, As you said and based on f030 datasheet, it has a 32bit fixed polynomial. I hope in the next version of STM32CubeIDE, the issue will be resolved (Enabling CRC for f030 makes error).

Thanks for all participants.
