2021-05-09 1:35 AM
Please guide me how to add SLOT_ACTIVE_2 to firewall protection.
2021-05-10 9:06 AM
Can any body help with this??
2021-05-10 9:46 AM
Hi @DMira.1 ,
Can you please provide more details about the claim:
Best Regards,
2021-05-10 10:16 AM
Board: Nucleo L476RG
Project directory : STM32CubeExpansion_SBSFU_V2.4.0
Ide : stm32 Workbench
Steps : https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00414687-getting-started-with-the-xcubesbsfu-stm32cube-expansion-package-stmicroelectronics.pdf
2021-05-12 11:22 AM
@Ons KOOLI anything else required?
2021-05-15 10:17 AM
I am in search of solution... Please help..
2021-05-17 4:59 AM
Hi @DMira.1 ,
Sorry for the delay, we were celebrating Aid.
Can you specify which project exactly did you run.
Best Regards,
2021-05-17 5:22 AM
There is only one project on L476RG in STM32CubeExpansion_SBSFU. It is working with out any issue. But I added 2 active and 2 download slots by modifying Macros SFU_NB_MAX_ACTIVE_IMAGE and SFU_NB_MAX_DWL_AREA. And even i added memory locations in mapping_fwimg.icf. Please refer the image attached. I am getting error SLOT_ACTIVE_2 is not under firewall protection.
2021-05-17 6:21 AM
Hi @DMira.1 ,
For me, I found 3 different projects which are :
Best Regards,
2021-05-17 6:39 AM
All 3 projects we need to add, That is interdependent. Please check Readme for compilation order. And follow https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00414677-integration-guide-for-the-xcubesbsfu-stm32cube-expansion-package-stmicroelectronics.pdf