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WTF go back to old community

Chief II

This new disaster put to trash, an drevert back old version



Accepted Solutions

> Edit: I am happy to see that STM32CubeIDE is steadily improving

I am not.

It's the result of the same lazy and incompetent thinking that resulted in Salesforce being forced upon us instead of working towards real forum. This thinking, which prefers glitter to real gold, suckıng resources out of the real work, see Remember, at the end of the day, it's us who are paying the price of all this in cost of chips. I am selfish and prefer paying for solid support rather than "clicky for the masses".

Ultimately, this results in:

> I don't know if it's coincidence, but the last week of questions has been particularly awful and low-effort.


View solution in original post

Camilo LEMOS
Senior II

Hello @MM..1​ 

I'm sorry to hear you're unhappy with the new look of the community. What specifically do you feel needs to be changed? We will welcome your constructive feedback, for sure.

Thank you,

Hi Camilo,
now half my LCD is stupid panels...
now I cant see actual activity, click on My Pages shows nothing usable...
no new feature as mark replied messages to my reply unopened with bold usw...

Well you've made it "prettier", filled the screen with more crap, and I'm finding navigation harder.​ We are still getting entire questions in the title/summary fields.

Forums need to be designed to serve the needs of the users, not as a graphic design project.

Heavy and Helpful presence of staff, we had a period under the Jive Era when a much larger group of staff/FAE showed up, but it was brief, and then everyone disappear back into the woodwork.

I'd like to see some "skinning" where I can turn off and dispense with some of the excessive screen candy.​

Tips, Buy me a coffee, or three.. PayPal Venmo
Up vote any posts that you find helpful, it shows what's working..
Camilo LEMOS
Senior II

@MM..1​  You are correct about no new features like bold font for content you have already seen - this is a platform limitation which we tried to work around and were unable to. Regarding My Pages, what do you feel is missing that you had before? What panels do you mean that take up too much of your screen? That is something we can fix, for sure. A couple screenshots would be helpful.

@Community member​  same question I posed to MM..1, where specifically do you think there is now too much litter now? Can you send us a couple of images on it? Regarding navigation, I'm also very interested in where are you finding the navigation more difficult? These are things we can fix. Just a quick point on the presence of staff; this year has been - by far - the year with the most participation from ST staff across the community. I'm genuinely surprised you get the impression that there are fewer ST employees in the community now.

Me and the team are eager to address your concerns, but I will need more specific feedback on what exactly you feel has gotten worse since yesterday.

Thank you again for the feedback!

Chief II

I send screen in my Ask , half screen Welcome ha ha

When i clik on My pages see zero against before i see here my activity ..

0693W00000GZwEeQAL.pngAnd here up is text about My Feed WTF is My Feed i dont see it never ...

Camilo LEMOS
Senior II

@MM..1​  We have restored the My Feed component to the My Pages section of the website - this was the component that gave you a good overview of the activity.

Thank you for bringing this up to our attention!

Thanks , but please change My Feed to default instead My Groups

> I will need more specific feedback on what exactly you feel has gotten worse since yesterday.

"Everything" is not specific enough? It *was* a disaster before, yet you somehow managed to make it worse. I believe it took some serious effort. Congratulations.

 The most blatant are:

  • +1 for removing the useless top bars eating up much of the real estate (which was already unreasonably limited due to childish "modern" design, same as main
  • +1 for bringing back the My Feed in the form it was before i.e. a list and as the first position there
  • the forum (I use only STM32) has greyed out the top part (a screenful) including the menu with the rolling balls for approx. a minute, how am I supposed to understand this?
  • search has the same, but seemingly forever, i.e. search is completely unusable now

Please don't hide this thread from the STM32 forum to obscure places.

This is not facebook and we are engineers, how hard is this to understand and how hard is it to listen to us and to discuss things openly?


> Just a quick point on the presence of staff; this year has been - by far - the year with the most participation from ST staff across the community.

Do you *really* doubt what Clive wrote?

I know some of the lesser-exposed subforums get excellent support from ST; however, STM32 is the main focus of most of the handful of users who are regular, and there's not much participation from ST - except of the general support from Moderators from the Tunis crew. The heavy support from the TouchGFX crew must show up in the total numbers, but it's just a tangential topic to STM32 themselves and I've suggested long ago to move them to a separate subforum.

In other words, the numbers you see are misleading, and we don't see real answers for real questions.


PS. Okay, so prove ST's participating, here's one which long deserves a serious and deep answer form ST: how is it with the STM32 shortage?