2017-01-17 12:16 AM
I am working on project where i need to interface STM32F429 to W5300. This is done with FMC SRAM interface. I tested that i have working hardware by reading chip ID, and id did returned 0x5300.Question is how to get IP address ? I was unable to find any data or examples how to do that, and i am very new with all LAN stuff.Just if some on need's it, i have project for STM32F429 with FMC connected to W53002017-01-17 8:19 AM
, You should look at the STM3240G-EVAL example which describes how to configure the FSMC controller to access the SRAM memory:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Examples\FSMC\FSMC_SRAMThe datasheet related to your device and the reference manual RM0090, in 'Flexible static memory controller (FSMC)' section, will be your support for more details.
2017-01-17 9:32 AM
As I stated, FMC is working fine, but W5300 does not. I was thanking that some one has this chip running TCP application on stm32 and can help with code
2018-03-07 8:03 AM
karpavicius.linas wrote:
FMC is working fine, but W5300 does not.
is not an ST Product - you need to contact Wiznet for support with their products!
But what is the point of using a W5300
with an STM32 anyhow? Surely an STM32 is perfectly capable of running a TCP/IP stack itself?!And there are plenty of examples of doing that!
i am very new with all LAN stuff.
That is clearly something that you are going to need to study for this project!
2018-03-07 8:23 AM
Simple. Code is clean. chip handles all TCP IP stack. all you do is write to memory, and data is transmitted.
I can get 12MBps TxRx, with STM32, can you get similar speed with TCP IP with no overhead ?