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WiFi query

Associate II
Posted on March 12, 2013 at 06:40


Anyone of you have worked on WIFI? I need a small help related to that. I am using Hi-Link WIFI module named HLK M03 WIFI module with STM32 controller. I am able to configure my WIFI module properly i.e. initialization part. But i got stuck at one point related to receiving part through that WIFI module. I am unable to enter in transparent mode which is required to receive data. Can anybody tell me that what might be the problem.

#get-debugging! #me-too
Posted on March 12, 2013 at 08:58

''I am unable to enter in transparent mode which is required to receive data''

So what have you tried?

What, exactly, were the results?

What debugging have you  done to locate the problem(s)?

Are you sure that you are fully & correctly following the instructions detailed in the documentation for your WiFi module? In particular, are you checking for any error messages from the module?

''Can anybody tell me that what might be the problem''

No - we don't have a crystal ball to be able to magically see your code and your hardware and your network setup and, thus, work out what's wrong!

Debugging is an essential skill in any kind of development work:

Associate II
Posted on March 12, 2013 at 09:53

Hi neil,

Thats why i asked that anyone have worked on WIFI module. Let me tell you what i have done. I have configured my wifi module as given below by using AT commands:

1. Query for the wifi MAC address.

2. Then i search for the access point within a range. And i choose one of them and it is assigned as SSID.

3. After that i extract the encryption type from given response of that wifi module.

4. Then i enter wifi key.

5. After entering all those required information my wifi module is able to join with that particular access point after sending join command.

6. And i am continuously keeping watch on socket status while sending and receiving data using link status command.

7. If my link status is Connected then i can send or receive the data through WIFI module.

8. I am able to send data properly. But the point at which i got stuck is receiving part. For receiving the data from server i need to change the mode of WIFI module from command mode to transparent mode. And here is the problem my wifi module is unable to enter in transparent mode since it is not giving any response as either ERROR or OK for that command which will change the mode.

I hope now you got it. But still if you have any query you can ask me.

Thanks for your reply.

Posted on March 12, 2013 at 23:56

Many of us have probably worked with WiFi, significantly fewer with your specific module, I suspect. A cite for the manual or other details might be helpful.

I think Andrew is asking you to be more explicit about what commands you sent to the module and what responses you got from the beginning. Either the code/script, or as a transaction list.

He and I, would be looking of specific details, not generalities. The devil after all is in the detail.

You got a MAC, how about an IP address, presumably you're using TCP/IP?

Was the IP address set manually, or supplied via DHCP?

Is it joining in Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc mode?

Have you tried the PC based demo tools for the module? Do they work?

Have you tried a network without encryption? Or combination of B/G/N support?

Is the IP/MAC address permitted by your router/ap?

Can you see wireless traffic via BackTrack or some other promiscuous listener?

Can you generate traffic on the network, and see any of that?

Can you spoof some other IP/MAC in the wireless domain, and see it's traffic at the module?

Does the vendor of the board provide any support, you paid them after all?
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Associate II
Posted on March 13, 2013 at 05:38

Hi clive1,

Sorry to both of you, actually i didnt understand what you guys exactly want. Let me give you the details as clive1 described,

1. I am using TCP/IP

2. No IP address is not set by manually. It is supplied via DHCP.

3. It is joining in Infrastructure mode.

4. I tried PC based demo tools for the module and it worked. With some sort of utilities like wiredshark i can see what i am receiving and sending.

5. I am using it with encryption only. Not tried without encryption. But i think it doesn't matter whether it is encrypted or non encrypted in my case since i have problem in receiving part.

6. Yes IP is permitted by my AP.

7. No i can't see traffic on the network. How can i see that?

8. No I can't generate traffic on the network.

9. Yes i can spoof some other IP/MAC but since i have no idea how to see it's traffic since there is no such AT command for seeing traffic at the module.

10. I have mailed them but no reply from vendor. I waiting for their response also. And from my side i am putting my efforts also by searching it on google and as much as possible.

If you see the datasheet of this wifi module, if you want i will give you the datasheet of that module also, from that you can find that to receive the data you need to change the mode of wifi module from command mode to transparent mode. And the only this thing is not happening in my case. Because it is not responding to AT+ENTM command which is used to change the wifi module mode, not even it is responding as a error to this command.Otherwise it is responding to other commands.

Thank you.

Posted on March 13, 2013 at 14:58

Ok, fair enough.

Let's focus on how it's configured, do you have a log of what transactions are being done via AT commands. This will be the last time I ask you for this.

Can you log the serial port data on the PC app, which works, and analyze that and how that differs to what you're doing? Don't have a tool to do this? Google for one.

For WiFi I find BackTrack/Kismet quite useful. Unfamiliar with these tools, Google Wifi BackTrack or WiFi Kismet

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Associate II
Posted on March 20, 2013 at 09:32


I have finished with that receiver part. Now it is receiving data properly. Thanks for your replies.

Posted on March 20, 2013 at 11:00

So what was the problem, then?

How about sharing for the benefit of any others who may have similar problems?
Posted on June 15, 2013 at 07:35

Hello friend,

I am new to wifi.

Actually I don't know how to create new thread here , so I am asking my queries and questions here in reply panel.

Friends, I am using HLK-WiFi-M03.

My application is:

Posted on June 15, 2013 at 08:05

How do u solved ur problem?