2019-01-21 10:31 PM
#define SPI2_CR2 *(__IO uint32 *)0x40003800
#define timer4_CR2 *(__IO uint32 *)0x40000800
void setup()
void loop()
timer4_CR2 = timer4_CR2 | (1<<1);
I assumed that all registers initially has 0 as its value, so I tried to get the default ,i.e, 0 first from the Serial Monitor, then update that to 1, then get the updated value as 1 on the Serial Monitor. Same for the timer4, I first wanted to display the default value for the timer 4, then left-shift 1 bit, then display that. Can anyone please give me the rectified code? Just one constraint, not using any library functions.
2019-01-21 11:06 PM
CR2 offset in SPI is 0x04, so what you change is CR1. You change CPHA as that's the 0th bit. I don't exactly know what do you mean by "default SPI value", but if you mean the value of SPI_CR1.CPHA and it's not changing, then it's maybe because you did not enable the SPI clock in RCC.
2019-01-22 12:54 AM
I assumed that all registers initially has 0 as its value, so I tried to get the default ,i.e, 0 first from the Serial Monitor, then update that to 1, then get the updated value as 1 on the Serial Monitor. Same for the timer4, I first wanted to display the default value for the timer 4, then left-shift 1 bit, then display that. Can anyone please give me the rectified code? Just one constraint, not using any library functions.
2019-01-22 4:59 AM
Do you have the SPI and TIM clocks enabled in RCC?