2018-03-09 7:12 AM
Where are any STM32Cube example projects for the B-L475E-IOT01A board? I can find the generated projects for example BLE/HeartRate and P2P_LedButton. But how were these generated? Isn't the whole point of using the Cube is to start there, configure the processor, then select Middleware etc. and generate a C/C++ project. When I go to the CUBE perspective and select New or Load project I am expecting to be able to browse to an example .ioc project file under the STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.11.0 folder. But no .ioc files can be found there. What am I missing here?
2018-03-09 8:31 AM
,Unfortunately, there is no examples available for CubeMx.The examples are available only for STM32Cubefirmware packages.
There is a plan to integrate
.ioc file for
the examples generated usingCubeMx
, but wecan't give you any delivery date for the moment as this not planned for the short term.
Best Regards
2018-03-09 10:22 PM
There is a plan to integrate
.ioc file for
the examples generated usingCubeMx
, but wecan't give you any delivery date for the moment as this not planned for the short term.
That would be great.