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8 simultaneous frequency measurements up to 2MHz on STM32U545REQ

Associate II

I am using a STM32U545 Nucleo board with a purpose of measuring up to 8 Square wave frequencies simultaneously averaging between 100KHz to 1.5MHz. I only need to measure frequency with as much as accuracy achievable. Finally, I plan to transfer all the readings over I2C.   

What is the best setup for this case in CubeMX? I have tried to follow Input capture DMA examples online but in my board it is GPDMA1, and setup for it is different than some online tutorials. Any suggestions are welcome.

Associate III

You can use 16-bit or 32-bit timers (TIM2, TIM5 are 32-bit, which is better for high precision).

I wanted to know is there any Examples where GPDMA is used to measure Frequencies and CubeMX setup.