2021-01-25 11:39 AM
Hello, I would like to change TIM2 to TIM5 but my code didn't work after I changed that. Could someone help me please? Thanks a lot
Here is the code
#include "stm32f4xx.h"
PA1 - TIM5_CH2/ TIMM2_CH2/
void _delay_us(uint32_t n) { for(volatile uint32_t dly = 0; dly < n; dly++); }
int main (void){
GPIOD->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER13_0; //port D.13 výstup oranzova LED
GPIOD->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER12_0; //port D.12 výstup zelena LED
GPIOA->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER1_1; //PA1 alternative mode
GPIOA->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER0_1; //PA0 alternative mode
//str 244 //Clock for Timer3
//str 244 //Clock for Timer2
//zdroj pulzu str 617 SLAVE MODE CONTROLLER - ten modry vpravo
TIM5->SMCR |= 0x0007; // SMS(Slave mode selection): Ext. clk mode 1 = Rising edges of
//the selected trigger (TRGI) clock the counter
//zdroj pulzu str 617 - ten modry vlevo pred SLAVE MODE CONTROLLER
//Varianta Ext. Pin
//TIM2->SMCR |= 0x0060; // TS(Trigger selection): 110b: Filtered Timer
//Input 2 (TI2FP2) as ext. clock
//Varianta UserButt
TIM5->SMCR |= 0x0050; // TS(Trigger selection): 101b: Filtered Timer Input
//1 (TI1FP1) as ext. clock
//AFR[0] = AFRL v dokumentaci str. 286
//typy alternativnich funkcí a multiplexing na str 273
GPIOA->AFR[0] |= 0x00000010; // select AF1 (TIM2) for PA01 -> TIM2_CH2
GPIOA->AFR[0] |= 0x00000001; // select AF1 (TIM2) for PA00 -> TIM2_CH1
//Zdroj pulzu PRED RUZOVYM BLOKEM str 622
//Varianta Ext. Pin
//TIM2->CCMR1 |= 0x0100; // Ch. 2 as TI2 01b: CC2 channel is
//configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TI2
//Varianta UserButt
TIM5->CCMR1 |= 0x0200; // Ch. 2 as TI2 10b: CC2 channel is
//configured as input, IC2 is mapped on TI1
TIM5->CR1 |= 0x0001; // enable counting
while (1) {
GPIOD->ODR ^= (1<<12); //prepni LED
GPIOD->ODR ^= (1<<13); //prepni LED
TIM5->CNT = 0; // reset counter
} //main
2021-01-25 11:54 AM
> didn't work
What are the symptoms and how are they different from the expectations?
You probably want to change the AFR of PA0/PA1 to 2 for TIM5.
2021-01-25 12:12 PM
Hi, when I run this program with TIM2 it worked, but when I tried to switch TIM5 it stopped working. I would like to know what i have to change in program for what so it would start working, i am very new to programming and don't know what to change.
2021-01-25 12:19 PM
Can you please tell me what value I need to set for AFR ? Because i was trying to change it from documentation and i don't get it how to change it :(
2021-01-25 12:59 PM
Probably helps not to blindly OR single bits in to a block using four bits
AFR[0] deals with the pins 0 thru 7
AFR[1] deals with the pins 8 thru 15
For AF2 on PA0/PA1
GPIOA->AFR[0] = (GPIOA->AFR[0] & 0xFFFFFF00) | 0x00000022;