2019-03-29 12:41 AM
I am writing to the address of eeprom which is 6kb in size for stm32l072, but I am only able to write at specific locations like, 0x08080000,0x08080004,0x08080008,0x08080010,0x08080014,0x08080018,0x08080020,..... and it conitunes like this.
2019-03-29 1:02 AM
Data EEPROM 0x0808 0000 - 0x0808 07FF 2 Kbytes - Data EEPROM
How do you program the EEPROM? Using HAL?
If yes, carefully read the header and function description.
Can you share a source code exctract to dig a bit more specifically?
2019-03-29 1:41 AM
I am defining the start address of the eeprom which is 0x08080000 and it is working fine for it, but if I do it as 0x08080001 it's not working out.