2008-09-26 9:23 AM
Welcome ! “STM32 Releasing your Creativity�
2011-05-17 3:15 AM
are free samples available? I tried to purchase some, but I have found ST7 only. Regards Igor2011-05-17 3:15 AM
Hello Igor, all
Free Sampling will be available on www.st.com web starting from November 2007 in the mean time you can contact your local ST Sales offices and get contact with them to have more details. Regards, STOne-32[ This message was edited by: STOne-32 on 14-10-2007 15:33 ]2011-05-17 3:15 AM
Dear all,
We are pleased to inform you that a new set of STM32 documentation and Firmware v1.0 ! has been released and published on Internet. For the Firmware Library : The main changes vs. the beta releases are: 1. Add support for RIDE (Raisonance) toolchain for all Firmwares. 2. FW Lib - Updated to comply with latest Datasheet/Reference Manuals - In all stm32f10x_ppp.c and stm32f10x_conf.h files: Change ''assert'' macro name to ''assert_param'' - stm32f10x_it.c: add basic fault exception handling for all fault ISR (while(1){} code added) 3. All Firmware examples inluding (ANs, Demo, USBLib) have been updated with FW Lib V1.0 4. IAP Application Note - Add a program example to be loaded by the IAP application with preconfigured projects (all files and projects needed to generate the binary image). - Fix a limitation seen with big ZI variables images. 5. Add new application note ''AN2594 EEPROM emulation in STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx microcontrollers'' with associated FW 6. Almost of the ANs&UMs has been updated (AN2557, AN2594, UM0435, UM0424, UM0427, AN2585, AN2569, AN2563) For the exhaustive list of update please refer to the ''version.txt'' file provided within each package. Starting from now and for all your current/future development on STM32F10x, please use this last FW Lib version V1.0. Only this version will be maintained and supported. Thanks to all Forum users for their feedbacks. Enjoy !Regards, STOne-32 ;)2011-05-17 3:15 AM
Dear all,
We are pleased to inform you that a new set of STM32 Datasheets ( Both Access & Performance) version v6 and a silicon errata notice version v2 have been released and published on Internet, with more clarification on your questions already posted on this Forum. . Thank you for all your posts that enable us to serve you better. Keep in touch, The Family is growing with more devices soon :D STOne-322011-05-17 3:15 AM
Dear all,
We are pleased to inform you that a new set of STM32 Reference Manual v2 and has been released and published on Internet, New Datasheets ( Both Access & Performance) v4 are coming This weekend as well with more data & more clarification on your questions already posted on this Forum. Best regards, STOne-322011-05-17 3:15 AM
Dear all,
We are pleased to inform you that a new set of STM32 Datasheets ( Both Access & Performance) version v4 have been released and published on Internet, with more clarification on your questions already posted on this Forum. Best regards, STOne-32 [ This message was edited by: STOne-32 on 27-11-2007 17:37 ]2011-05-17 3:15 AM
Dear all,
We are pleased to inform you that a new set of STM32 Datasheets ( Both Access & Performance) with new devices with more memories and more features that extends the STM32 Family have been released and published on Internet, with more clarification on your questions already posted on this Forum. www.st.com/stm32 and more :) Keep in touch, The STM32 Family is growing with you ! STOne-322011-05-17 3:15 AM
Dear all,
We are pleased to inform you that a new set of STM32 Datasheets and New STM32 Families : Low-density [16-32K] of Flash and USB access Line [Up to 48Mhz with USB] ) that extends the STM32 Family have been released and published on Internet, with more clarification on your questions already posted on this Forum. www.st.com/stm32 and more Keep in touch, The STM32 Family is growing with you ! STOne-32