2021-07-12 8:40 PM
2021-07-22 5:34 AM
Hello @KChen.9 , @Community member ,
Sorry for the delayed reply on this, I was in long public holidays.
I confirm that they are equivalent functional.
But Not the same Bill of material for LQFP package:
@Community member , I escalated your request to involved people to add more visibilitybin the document.
2021-07-13 6:03 PM
Anybody could help answer this question ?
2021-07-14 9:57 AM
Hello @KChen.9 and weclome to the Community :)
I think the MSL level depends on the package, for example MSL level as per JEDEC J-STD-020 is considered to be 1 for all MCD WLCSPs.
For the package UFQFPN32 is qualified for MSL3.
Let me check back with the team for STM32F071CBT6 and I will be back to you as soon as I get an answer.
2021-07-14 6:29 PM
Hello Imen, thanks for your kind reply.
Please pay attention on the uploaded label photo of STM32F071CBT6 , the left one assembled in Malaysia marked MSL 2, but the right one assembled in Taiwan marked MSL 3. My question is that is it different coo with different standard on the MSL ? Or any other reason ? Are they functionally equivalent ?
Thank you.
2021-07-15 7:05 AM
Typically have slightly different materials (plastics, chemistry, descants) and packaging (equipment, methods, process) at every location, should follow the label.
Look also to be e3 and e4 parts, that relates to the lead frame metalization as I recall.
Apart from baking, might want to watch the soldering too.
2021-07-16 12:39 AM
Hi Telsa,
Thanks for your info. Are you also ST Employee like Imen above ?
I'd like to know, is it normal that one part number with two different MSL ? Because this is the first time we met such case,
or any possibility Malaysia made some mistake on the label of that lot of STM32F071CBT6 ?
Thank you.
2021-07-16 12:54 AM
Hello Iman, have you checked with your team for STM32F071CBT6 ? Any further news on my questions ? Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
2021-07-16 9:06 AM
No, that's why it says Community Member
In a normal world your supply chain would get you boxes of parts from the same production facility in a single delivery.
The fully qualified part types here are different, if your database can't handle two different handling procedures for the base part number depending on the type/source of material, perhaps you can use that.
In previous posts related to MSL ST has indicated you need to follow the LABEL designation and the materials and facilities have different and non-identical situations.
@Imen DAHMEN perhaps a more visible document indicating expectations from different facilities, and plating types, would be helpful in the near term given that people are likely to be sourcing parts from all manner of suppliers and distributors currently.
2021-07-22 5:34 AM
Hello @KChen.9 , @Community member ,
Sorry for the delayed reply on this, I was in long public holidays.
I confirm that they are equivalent functional.
But Not the same Bill of material for LQFP package:
@Community member , I escalated your request to involved people to add more visibilitybin the document.