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Wake up vs Alert in RTC

Associate II

Hi, could someone explain me what is the difference between wake up and alert in RTC?

For example the UM1749 provides information about RTC Alarm functions (section 39.2.8) and wake-up functions (section 40.2.2)

When should I use the wake-up and when the alert?


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ST Employee
Well, you could use either wakeup or alarm. But an alarm has to be set again after expiring.
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ST Employee

Wakeup is intended for uniformly repeating events (e.g. wakeup every 10 seconds), while the alarm can be compared to the wake-up function of an alarm clock and is usually only triggered once.

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Chief II

The reference manual for your MCU explains it clearly.

Thank you a lot @Peter BENSCH​ for your response. In my application, I want the MCU to wake-up once per day at 12:00PM. So, should I use the wakeup instead of the alarm?

ST Employee
Well, you could use either wakeup or alarm. But an alarm has to be set again after expiring.
Good luck!
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Associate II

Thank you very much @Peter BENSCH​ 

You're welcome.

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If you use mask, no need to set again your alarm, or I maybe miss something ?

As I am wondering same question, I'll add some informations about this subject (feel free to correct me as I am new to these subjects) :

- I think that if you use mask, you dont have to reconfigure your alarm. The callback function of your alarm can be called forever, with a few settings

- Alarm seems a bit easier to use (as you only have to provide a date/time alarm, and provide a mask if you need it). For WakeUp Timer, you should chose the clock you want to use, and do simple math with frequency/prescaler of your clock. Otherwise, if you change clock frequency, this will probably change your loop.


For my case, I only need to go in sleep mode, and exit that sleep mode to measure data only once per minute. I already did the loop with alarm, work well, but I discovered WakeUp Timer. 

Do you have any advice on what to use ? Do you know others differences that we listed here ?

Maybe someone have more informations to share ?