2014-02-06 12:26 AM
Hello together,
i´ve been searching for information about the minimal voltage wich has to applied to Vref-. In particularly it is around the stm32f103CBT6. I´ve used the search function in the RefManual, but could only found out that Vref+ must be >= Vdd. How´s about Vref-? Has someone a hint to respective document? best regards, JFG2014-02-06 1:30 AM
''i´ve been searching for information about the minimal voltage wich has to applied to Vref-. In particularly it is around the stm32f103CBT6. I´ve used the search function in the RefManual,'' The information you are looking for should be in the data sheet for the specific part you have. There should be a section on absolute voltages - that is what you are looking for. Data Sheet NOT reference manual.2014-02-06 2:47 AM
The datasheet makes only an standment at the list entry for conversion voltage range. This range´s minimum is defined as ''Vssa or Vref- tied to Ground''. So i guess this is the information i´m looking for. Lowest potential is Ground.
2014-02-06 3:06 AM
I have not looked at the data sheet. I do remember in another thread/post, clive1 saying that the ADC CANNNOT read negative voltages. By implecations - the ADC reference cannot be negative. This ties up with what you have found in the data sheet.