2016-08-01 7:02 AM
Overall objective: Using
as a base, add a USB serial port interface (which would replace the DEBUG functionality it has currently). I have read through multiple posts here regarding composite devices and after about a day of work I have an attempt at the modified firmware running on the device. The video device works fine, and Device Manager shows a new COM port with no errors. So far so good. The problem occurs when I try to open the serial port - the terminal software throws an error trying to open the port. I feel like I've almost got it, but I'm not quite there. I haven't implemented certain things like handling GET_LINE_CODING control code, etc. Is that needed to open the port? Should I use [0x00, 0x00, 0x00] (use interface descriptions) or [0xEF, 0x02, 0x01] (misc) for [DeviceClass, SubClass, Protocol] on the main USB description? Doesn't seem to make a difference. I am using two IADs: one for the UVC group and a second for the CDC group. The IADs are [0x0E, 0x03, 0x00] and [2,2,1], respectively. I might have to modify an INI file somewhere, but I'm not sure which one or how. Device Manager shows no errors (although the CDC device does appear as a ''Serial Device'' not a ''Serial Port''). I see the chip I am using (STM32F411CEU6) supports ''4 endpoints'' (that's in the datasheet, but I can't find any more info than that). The original UVC interfaces uses two endpoints (UVC_IN_EP and UVC_CMD_EP) and the CDC interfaces use three (CDC_IN_EP, CDC_OUT_EP, and CDC_CMD_EP). That's 5 endpoints, but only four are IN, and one is OUT. I can't find any info on if one of the endpoints is used by default (EP0), or if the specified max 4 endpoints are actually 4 bidirectional or 8 unidirectional or some combination thereof. One snippit (the original usbd_conf.c):HAL_PCDEx_SetRxFiFo(&hpcd_USB_OTG_FS, 0x80);
HAL_PCDEx_SetTxFiFo(&hpcd_USB_OTG_FS, 0, 0x40);
HAL_PCDEx_SetTxFiFo(&hpcd_USB_OTG_FS, 1, 0x80);
I assume I need to add a few lines here for the new CDC endpoints, but am not sure exactly which values to use. I've tried:
HAL_PCD_SetTxFiFo(&hpcd_USB_OTG_FS, 2, 0x10);
HAL_PCD_SetTxFiFo(&hpcd_USB_OTG_FS, 3, 0x20);
Tweaking values didn't seem to help.
Should I be using different pairs of TX/RX buffers for the UVC/CDC interfaces or just a single buffer pair for the whole USB device? I don't think that should prevent a port from being opened, right?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
2016-08-14 4:01 PM
Are these endpoint values OK:
UVC_IN_EP 0x81
CDC_IN_EP 0x83
I used Wireshark's USB capture and compared it to debug output from the micro's USART output, which has debug messages routed to it (for now). I notice that the setup messages correctly match for the first UVC part:
GET INFO [Brightness]
GET MIN [Brightness]
GET MAX [Brightness]
GET RES [Brightness]
GET DEF [Brightness]
GET INFO [Contrast]
GET MIN [Contrast]
GET MAX [Contrast]
GET RES [Contrast]
GET DEF [Contrast]
but then the host sends:
as expected, but the debug messages from the micro do not show these messages, as if they are being lost somehow. I am printing a debug message right when the Setup callback is called on the micro. The first SET INTERFACE (1) call is seen, but the second call (to set interface #3, correctly corresponding to the first interface of the CDC) is ''missed''. Maybe my endpoints are set incorrectly?
2024-01-18 10:30 PM
maybe this is helpful:
alambe94/I-CUBE-USBD-Composite: Create STM32 USB Composite devices with ease. (github.com)
ST, please support this project and promote it, so we all can save lifetime!