2018-02-05 12:46 PM
I want to move from a Nucleo board to a PCB with a 'stand-alone' STM32F7.
The STM32 Hardware Development Guide had great information, but I'm still a bit unclear about some issues:
1. The guide emphasizes that the voltage of VDD_USB and others must stay below VDD during startup. Is there something I have to do, or is this already handled internally?
2. When I attach a backup battery, can I just keep it connected even when running with VDD? The Guide suggests no, but a ST presentations says yes.
3. Is there a reason for disabling the voltage regulator with PDR_ON, or can I just connect it to VDD?
4. For the SDMMC, it is advised to 'reference the plane using GND or PWR' - come again?
2018-05-01 7:14 PM
2.93V threshold
1.2 Seconds reset. ( probably too long, but it only starts once and runs for a year)