2024-09-01 2:55 PM - edited 2024-09-01 2:56 PM
I have a USB HID Device STM32CubeIDE project with the following USB HID Report Descriptor
0x05,0x01, // Usage Page: Generic Desktop Page (0x01), page HID Usage Tables 1.4
0x09,0x06, // Usage: Keyboard (0x06)
0xa1,0x01, // Collection: Application
0x05,0x07, // Usage Page: Keyboard/Keypad Page (0x07)
0x19,0xe0, // Usage Minimum: 0xe0: kbd lctrl
0x29,0xe7, // Usage Maximum: 0xe7: kbd rgui
0x15,0x00, // Logical Minimum: 0
0x25,0x01, // Logical Maximum: 1
0x95,0x08, // Report Count: 8 // 8 keys? mod mask
0x75,0x01, // Report Size: 1 // 1 bit each?
0x81,0x02, // Input: Data,Var, Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position
0x95,0x01, // Report Count: 1 // 1 key? pad
0x75,0x08, // Report Size: 8 // 8 bits each?
0x81,0x03, // Input: Const,Var, Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position
0x05,0x07, // Usage Page: Kbrd/Keypad
0x19,0x00, // Usage Minimum
0x29,0xff, // Usage Maximum // 0x65 is the max for a boot device?
0x15,0x00, // Logical Minimum
0x26,0xff,0x00, // Logical Maximum // 0x65 is the max for a boot device? // 0x25: int8? 0x26: int16?
0x95,0x06, // Report Count: 6 // 6 keys? 6 keys (6KRO)
0x75,0x08, // Report Size: 8 // 8 bits each?
0x81,0x00, // Input: Data,Array, Abs,No Wrap,Linear,Preferred State,No Null Position
0xc0, // End Collection
uint8_t hid_report[0x08] = {0x00};
hid_report[0x00] = 0b0000000;
hid_report[0x02] = 0x04;
USBD_HID_SendReport(&hUsbDeviceFS, (uint8_t*)&hid_report,sizeof(hid_report));
hid_report[0x00] = 0b0000000;
hid_report[0x02] = 0x00;
USBD_HID_SendReport(&hUsbDeviceFS, (uint8_t*)&hid_report,sizeof(hid_report));
Now the USB HID Usage Tables 1.4 document has a Usage Page dedicated to Unicode (Usage Page 0x10) that says that one can send Unicode encoded as UCS-2. But it's unclear to me how the HID Report should look like in that case.
So, how exactly does the HID Report look like (for one, or several) Unicode characters?
2024-09-02 5:29 PM
2024-09-04 6:13 PM
Isn't UNICODE just sending two bytes for one character?
Why should it be related to the USB channel for communication?
Even, there would be a descriptor in USB Enumeration, telling the host, now all is sent as UNICODE - how do you know the FW (the USB drivers) would change into UNICODE mode (able to send uint16_t now as data word)?
Could you try by sending two bytes as UNICODE word?
I think, the USB Enumeration does not care. And if the USB driver does not support UNICODE (what I would assume), you have "emulate" UNICODE with your own code.
2024-09-05 3:58 PM
Error: babble detected ))
2024-09-05 4:01 PM - edited 2024-09-05 4:01 PM
This is interesting. Have you tried to connect a device with this report descriptor to Windows or Mac (not sending any data yet)? Is it recognized at all?
2024-09-05 4:35 PM
It works on Linux. I haven't tested on Windows or Mac.