2011-05-11 1:34 AM
USB & CAN at the same time?
2011-05-17 5:34 AM
You can not use both CAN and USB with STM32F103R8. The only STM32 devices allow this, are STM32F107/105 and STM32F2xxx Cheers, STOne-322011-05-17 5:34 AM
Thanks, I realised the
F103 can't do it, this is why I was asking for a drop-in part!
This would appear to be an OTG USB interface, so I assume it will not be a drop in part and will need both hard ware and software changes?2011-05-17 5:34 AM
F105R8 is (nearly) a drop in replacement. Only changes needed: Do not mount the 1.5k pull up resistor on USB line and components for soft disconnect as they are already integrated in the F105. And I would recommend changing the HSE crystal from 8 to 25Mhz as it makes it easier to use the library.
Some software changes might be necessary, too. But in case you used the lib, it should not be the big problem.2011-05-17 5:34 AM
Thanks for the advice. :~)
I'm using FreeRTOS, so I would pay the chaps there to update the drivers probably. Thanks again. Rob2011-05-17 5:34 AM
Why you can not use CAN and USB at the same time on the STM103xx devices?
Why this is not reported in errata?
Can you remap CAN on the pins PB8 and PB9, or PD0 and PD1, and then use USB and CAN at the same time?