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Hello,while testing our new PCB we discovered, that the RTC does not keep time correctly. I therefore measured the 32kHz clock driven by an external crystal, therefore I enabled PA2 for LSCO output: Interestingly, the signal was fine - stable and no ...
Posted on July 15, 2016 at 15:26I just used the USBD_MSC sample from the cube with the F7 Discovery board and configured the HS core to run FS speed only (our own hardware will have no ULPI), therefore changed usbd.conf.c, line 382:   hpcd.Init.spee...
Posted on February 04, 2016 at 15:08I just discovered some strange behaviour while working with the STM32F7 discovery: The SD card driver suddenly stopped working, because I added some additional buffers, variables in memory, nothing else. After inv...
Posted on June 18, 2011 at 19:13Hello, just expierenced some strange problem. My app should go to Stop Mode and wake up when a signal on an EXTI line is detected or every 10s by RTC wakeup. Without the RTC wakeup everything works fine, but when I ac...
Posted on December 06, 2010 at 11:36STM32F107 and USB Stick - Read fails after few packets
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