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UART works on terminal but not getting output on pins of Nucleo board

Associate III

I followed the UART example ( and implemented it on a STM32F051 Discovery kit and on a STM32F446 Nucleo board with pretty much identical settings from CubeMX.

If I scope the STM32F051 I get a TX2 signal out of pin PA2 as expected. If I do the same on the STM32F446 I get nothing. Interestingly I get normal output out of the STM32F446 using Tera Term over USB but if I do the same with STM32F051 I get nothing on terminal.

Any ideas please?


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Check the schematic for solder-bridge options to route to VCP vs Arduino header vs pin headers.

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If the signal makes it to the PC, it has to exist on the pins, otherwise how is it getting there? Make sure you're scoping the right pins.

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Check the schematic for solder-bridge options to route to VCP vs Arduino header vs pin headers.

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That did it. Thank you clive!

Associate III

Hopefully this will help someone else. After following clive1's suggestion, I found this in the documentation regarding USART and solder bridges. That's what I did in the picture at bottom and everything works as I wished before. This was not in my radar, so better double check documentation next time. Thank you!


De-soldered 0 ohm resistor between SB13 and SB14 (red circle). Soldered bridges SB62 and SB63 (green).0693W000005AzvDQAS.jpg