2018-03-09 4:22 AM
Hi All,
PLease let me know ,if its possible to configure two UART as LPUART in STM32L0. If yes ,how to proceed.
2018-03-09 4:38 AM
Which part number and footprint specifically?
The Data Sheet should indicate the availability of an LPUART1 and LPUART2
2018-03-09 4:51 AM
,LPUART peripherals are dedicated and are not the same as U(S)ART peripherals. If your specific part number includes 2 LPUART peripherals, you can use both at the same time.
Best regards,
2018-03-14 12:18 AM
I am using Murata LoRa module having STM32L072 inside.
2018-03-14 4:15 AM
So, as
have just said, take a look in the datasheet for theSTM32L072
chip which is within theMurata LoRa module - that will tell you whether the particular chip actually has two LP UARTs inside it.
the chip does have two LP UARTs inside it, then the chipdatasheet
will also tell you whether the particular package makes theLP UART signals accessible on pins.
In addition, as the chip is within a module, you will also have to study the module's datasheet- to see if the modulemakes theLP UART signals accessible on its external pins.
2018-03-14 6:09 AM
Only ONE LPUART is described in the manual, there is even a Device Overview in Table 2, you will require less guidance if you RTFM containing the salient details.
The pins on the Murata design should permit the escape of 3 U(S)ART total as I recall.