2022-08-14 2:31 AM
Hi All,
I am new in ST microcontrollers. I tried to get messages from the USART module of NucleoF429. i follow the steps in this article:
STM32StepByStep:Step3 Introduction to the UART - stm32mcu
I used many serial monitor tools such as TeraTerm but I could not get anything ..
I tried all the USART modules of F429, but I could not get anything.
Could you please help me ?
2022-08-15 6:01 AM
Hi @Hasan and welcome to the Community :),
Unlike the step by step tutorial, USART3 needs to be used for Nucleo-F429 (show the UM1974 and precisely section 6.9 USART communication).
I suggest you follow these steps:
uint8_t Test[] = "Hello World !!!\r\n"; //Data to send
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3,Test,sizeof(Test),10);// Sending in normal mode
12.Check that no problem happened by rebuilding all files. There must be no error and no warning.
13.Open TeraTerm, select file>New connection and choose the right Port as shown in the below figure. 14.Select Setup>Serial port setup and connection and modify the speed to 115200 as shown in the below figure.
15.The TeraTerm displays Hello Worlds !!! string confirming you were able to program and use RS232.
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2022-08-15 12:00 PM
I fellow your steps, then the ST-Linker crashed (does not work). I could not now program my device and I get the following messages when i try to download my program on Nucleo-F429:
In the console, I get the following message:
Target no device found
Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: No device found on target.
and then I get a message box saying:
Error in final launch sequence:
Failed to execute MI command:
target remote localhost:61234
Error message from debugger back end:
localhost:61234: Connection timed out.
Failed to execute MI command:
target remote localhost:61234
Error message from debugger back end:
localhost:61234: Connection timed out.
localhost:61234: Connection timed out.
Could you please help me in this problem ...
2022-08-16 2:03 AM
Hi @Hasan ,
Refer to the UM1974 Section 5.1 and check if all jumpers are correctly configured:
-JP1 is OFF
-JP3 on U5V
-JP5 is ON
-CN4 is ON
Also, try to connect with STM32CubeProgrammer and upgrade the ST-Link firmware.
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2022-08-16 2:12 AM
2022-08-16 2:31 AM
Thanks ... I use the programmer now ... this problem has been fixed ..
but I still could not program USART .. I think there is a bug in Nucleo-F429
2022-08-16 3:30 AM
Hi @Hasan ,
Glad to know that ST-Link issue is already fixed.
For me, I can program the USART3 for Nucleo-F429ZI by following the steps shared with you.
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