2023-08-06 3:29 PM
I am trying to use SysTick on STM32G070. Clock tree must be OK because everything else works, as far as I can tell, but when I include the following code (Keil compiler does not flag errors or warnings), in my initialization routine, interrupts stop. I don't want SysTick to generate interrupts, I just want SysTick to run at SYSCLK/8 = 64 MHz/8 = 8 MHz.
// Initialize SysTick
SysTick->LOAD = 0xFFFFFF; // After counting down to 0, next value is 0xFFFFFF
SysTick->VAL = 0;
SysTick->CTRL = 0x01; // Enabled, clocked at 8 MHz, no interrupt
2023-08-06 5:27 PM
I think I found the answer. My code uses HAL_Delay() which probably uses the SysTick interrupt, which I disabled in the snippet in my original post. As everyone is aware, calls to HALxxxx are everywhere in STM32 code, so other mysterious failure may arises, even though I will explicitly stop using HAL_Delay(). Who knows were SysTick is used in the HAL universe.
2023-08-06 7:11 PM
HAL_Delay requires SysTick in order to function. A lot of HAL functions call HAL_Delay.
You can re-define HAL_Delay and similar function to use something else if you want since they are weakly defined. I have them all using DWT->CYCCNT instead in order to eliminate systick interrupts entirely while keeping the same functionality. Unsure if the G0 has DWT, but if not, it has other timers.
2023-08-06 9:16 PM
How can I find out which HAL functions use SysTick, so that I can avoid them? SysTick amongst all the G0 timers, is 24 bit, allowing me to time events down to 1/8 usec over a complete 1 second loop time. And while I am complaining, I wish Arm had the 64 bit counter included in RISC-V and that counter even has the ability to set an interrupt at any 64 bit count, not just at underflow 0.
2023-08-07 4:51 AM
You can open up the HAL files and look at them.
2023-08-07 7:31 AM
I wish Arm had the 64 bit counter included in RISC-V
ARM has nothing to do with RISC-V.