2015-09-28 10:32 AM
Synchronized Output of 3 Spi with stm32f4 Discovery
#dma #spi #stm32f4 #discovery2015-09-28 11:47 AM
Going to be hard, can they be slaves driven by a common clock?
2015-09-28 12:25 PM
Somehow my initial text was not posted. I thought about SPI1 as master generating the clock and SPI2+3 as slaves. I need to feed a LED RGB Panel. SCK higher then 21Mhz doesn´t work so SDIO is not an option.
2015-09-28 3:55 PM
People have modulated LED signals using DMA+TIM+GPIO
The forum doesn't like mobile (tablet/phone) devices, and one wonders why Microsoft has such a time entering those markets.2015-09-28 11:13 PM
Thank god I don´t have a microsoft phone.
Thanks for the hint. I can try DMA with GPIOI currently use 1 SPI with DMA to drive all 3 colors daisy chained which is too slow.I can split up the colors in 6 or maybe even 12 segments with each of them connectedto a single pin. Do you think with DMA transfer and GPIO things will go faster ?I need at least a speedup of 4 times to achieve to get the framerate I need for 16 shades.2015-09-28 11:44 PM
Have you looked at the F429I, it's got hardware for clocking video data.