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STM32U5 FRACN not working

I am trying to use the PLL1 fractional PLL on a Nucleo-U545RE-Q board to fine-tune a frequency measurement.  RM0456 rev 5 has the following procedure to adjust the fractional PLL:

"If the application intends to tune the PLLx frequency on-the-fly, then:

a) PLLxFRACEN must be set to 0 to update the PLLxFRACN value while keeping the PLL running.

b) A new value can be uploaded into PLLxFRACN (FracValue(n).

c) PLLxFRACEN must be set to 1 to activate the new programed value in PLLxFRACN that is taken into account by the PLL."

When using the above algorithm, I found that often the actual fractional-adjusted frequency was wrong.  Looking through the STM32CubeU5 code :

/* FRACN1 on-the-fly value update */
           RCC_PLL1FRACR_PLL1FRACN_Pos) != (pRCC_OscInitStruct->PLL.PLLFRACN))

        /* Disable PLL1FRACN. */

        /* Get Start Tick*/
        tickstart = HAL_GetTick();

        /* Wait at least 2 CK_REF (PLL1 input source divided by M) period to make sure next latched value
           will be taken into account. */
        while ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < PLL_FRAC_WAIT_VALUE)

        /* Configure PLL PLL1FRACN */

        /* Enable PLL1FRACN to latch the new value. */

 Well that's nice.  An undocumented delay is required for the fractional part to be noticed by the sigma-delta modulator.  I've added a 2us delay in my code (which I think should be 8 refx_ck clocks at the worst-case of 4 MHz, assuming refx_ck is the same as CK_REF in the comment) along with some DMB instructions for good measure and it seems to be working properly now.

It is very frustrating that apparently the HAL dev team is working from completely different manuals than the rest of the world.  Please update the RM with the proper algorithm, and maybe spell check that section while you are at it.
