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STM32L4S5 Discovery Kit, how to use X-CUBE-AWS

Associate II

I am doing various tests using the STM32L4S5 MCU board.

Among them, I register this board with AWS and communicate with MQTT messages

To do so, we connected to AWS using a package called X-CUBE-AWS provided by ST and actually communicated the sensor value of the board with an MQTT message

So what I want to do now is to communicate with other products and send the read value to MQTT instead of the sensor value on the board.

However, I don't know which part of the X-CUBE-AWS package to fix.

If anyone has had a similar experience using X-CUBE-AWS, please advise.

Additionally, may I know what function each project in X-CUBE-AWS has?

Thank you in advance.

ps. I don't know if the meaning is clearly conveyed by using a translator I hope you understand.

ST Employee

Hello @dongkey

This article may help you: Getting started with STM32U5 IoT discovery kit and AWS


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Thank you for your answer.
But it didn't help much.
Do you have any related documents about the package?