2021-01-18 1:10 PM
Dear all,
I hope I can receive som help from you. I'm struggling since a couple of days with SAI2 block A on the mentionned MCU.
I am using STM32CubeIDE and I have configured it using HAL library in master mode with MCLK output.
When I try to send some data I don't see nothing on the scope on ANY pin. I have checked all related registers, RCC, GPIO and also the alternate function.
So, I have tried to configure it using LL drivers and directly set SAI2 register:
static void peripheral_sai2_init(void)
LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct =
{ 0 };
/* Configure PLLSAI1 clock Input: HSE 16MHz - Output: 10.666 MHz */
/* Wait PLLSAI1 becomes ready */
while(LL_RCC_PLLSAI1_IsReady() != 1)
/* Select clock source for SAI2 interface */
/* Enable SAI2 peripheral clock */
/* SAI2 GPIO setup */
/**SAI2_A_Block_A GPIO Configuration
PB12 ------> SAI2_FS_A
PB13 ------> SAI2_SCK_A
PB14 ------> SAI2_MCLK_A
PB15 ------> SAI2_SD_A
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = LL_GPIO_PIN_12 | LL_GPIO_PIN_13 | LL_GPIO_PIN_14 | LL_GPIO_PIN_15;
GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = LL_GPIO_PULL_NO;
GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = LL_GPIO_SPEED_LOW;
GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = LL_GPIO_AF_13;
LL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);
/* OSR256:0 | NOMCK:0 | DMA:0 | STEREO | CKSTR:0 | DS: 7 (32bit) | MASTER TX: 0 */
SAI2_Block_A->CR1 = 0x2E0;
SAI2_Block_A->CR2 = 0;
/* FSOFF: 1 | FSPOL:0 | FSDEF: 1 | FSALL: 31 | FRL: 63*/
SAI2_Block_A->FRCR = 0x51F3F;
/* SLOTEN: 0xFFFF | NBSLOT: 1 | SLOTSZ: 2 (32bit) | FBOFF: 0 */
SAI2_Block_A->SLOTR = 0xFFFF0180;
SAI2_Block_A->IMR = 0;
SAI2_Block_A->CLRFR = 0;
/* Enable SAI2 */
SAI2_Block_A->CR1 |= 1 << 16;
I only see that the LS signal stays High meaning a sort of configuration but when I try to drop some data on the DR register, still nothing happen!
SAI2_Block_A->DR = 0xDEADBEEF;
I see that the FIFO buffer becomes full.
Do I forgot something ? Is there something else to set on RCC ? PLL ? Whatever else ? Neither on silicon errata sheet is written someting about it!
Thank you in advance for your precious help!
2021-01-19 12:13 AM
> have checked all related registers, RCC, GPIO and also the alternate function.
Post their content.
2021-01-19 6:10 AM
I found what's not correct!
There's a bug on SAI clock source selection. The impacted function is this:
... even if argument is PLLSAI1 as source, it selects another value.
Looking at RCC register it has a value that does not correspond to the value specified on reference manual for PLLSAI1! It selects in that case PLLSAI2
Is there a way to report this bug ?
2021-01-20 1:35 AM
Nice catch!
And maybe this is a good indicator of what's the value of unnecessary intermediary "libraries"...
Hi @Imen GH ,
I still don't know who is the proper person to report these things to, so can you please forward this to the proper Cube/LL group. Thanks.
2021-01-29 5:58 AM
Hello @Community member,
I take your feedback into consideration.
Thank you.
2021-01-29 6:24 AM
Thanks, Imen!
@Imen GH