2017-11-16 1:23 AM
I am trying to jump to flash loader from user application. I am using a custom board based on the STM32L476.
Premising that the standard procedure 'Hw Reset + Boot0 pin setup' works flawlessly by using the examples from the forum I implemented the below reset firmware
PUBWEAK Reset_Handler SECTION .text:CODE:NOROOT:REORDER(2)Reset_Handler; ORIGINAL; LDR R0, =SystemInit; BLX R0; LDR R0, =__iar_program_start; BX R0; modified reset checking flash loader; LDR R0, =0x20017ff0 ; ADR to check FW reload signature LDR R1, =0xDEADBEEF ; FW reload signature LDR R2,[R0, &sharp0] ; STR R0,[R0, &sharp0] ; Reset FW reload signature for successive start up CMP R2,R1 ; BEQ Reboot_Loader ; Jump to flash loader;; NO FLASH LOADER CONTINUE WITH STD RESET ; LDR R0, =SystemInit BLX R0 LDR R0, =__iar_program_start BX R0 ;; reboot to flash loader;Reboot_Loader LDR R0, =0x40021060 LDR R1, =0x00004001 ; SysCFG + UART1 CLK STR R1, [R0, &sharp0] ; Set it LDR R0, =0x40010000 LDR R1, =0x00000001 ; Remap system memory STR R1, [R0, &sharp0] ; Set it LDR R0, =0x1FFF0000 ; System memory address LDR SP,[R0, &sharp0] ; Load SP LDR R0,[R0, &sharp4] ; Load Start address BX R0 ; Jump to flash loaderUnfortunately, when I run the STFlashLoader application it did not recognise the SMT32L476.
Using the IAR debugger I saw that the jump to flashloader starts and loop inside. Anyhow the debugger show address 1fffxxxx.
Any idea ? What I am doing wrong ?
#stm32l476-flash-loader2017-11-16 3:01 AM
Check all Bootloader related pins and the values these pins expect in an2606. Look at the flowcharts in AN2606 and check that no unexpected value at some bootloader related pin hohs the bootloader.
2017-11-16 4:19 AM
Thank you.
This was my first thought. I think that the flash loader did not understand I want to communicate through the USART1. So I try with the board running under the same conditions using the HW reset and the boot0 pin !
It work flawlessly !
Anyhow I will follow your suggestion and double check again !
2017-11-16 4:40 AM
Ran into similar problems. Here the code that I am using. I am triggering off the RTC_CR_BCK bit rather than a random memory location. The key things were VTOR and MEMRMP, as well as resetting the I/D cache. Latter on I hit badly on L433, but that doesn't mean it's not present on L476 as well.
__attribute__((naked)) void reset_stm32l4xx(void) { uint32_t flash_acr; RCC->APB1ENR1 |= RCC_APB1ENR1_PWREN; RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN; #if defined(STM32L432xx) || defined(STM32L433xx) || defined(STM32L496xx) RCC->APB1ENR1 |= RCC_APB1ENR1_RTCAPBEN; #endif /* Switch to Main Flash @ 0x00000000. Make sure the I/D CACHE is * disabled to avoid stale data in the cache. */ flash_acr = FLASH->ACR; FLASH->ACR = flash_acr & ~(FLASH_ACR_ICEN | FLASH_ACR_DCEN); SYSCFG->MEMRMP = 0; PWR->CR1 |= PWR_CR1_DBP; while (!(PWR->CR1 & PWR_CR1_DBP)) { } if (!(RCC->BDCR & RCC_BDCR_RTCEN)) { RCC->BDCR |= RCC_BDCR_BDRST; RCC->BDCR &= ~RCC_BDCR_BDRST; } /* If RTC_CR_BCK is set it means the reset was triggered to * branch throu to the STM32 BOOTLOADER. */ if (RTC->CR & RTC_CR_BCK) { RTC->WPR = 0xca; RTC->WPR = 0x53; RTC->CR &= ~RTC_CR_BCK; RTC->WPR = 0x00; SYSCFG->MEMRMP = SYSCFG_MEMRMP_MEM_MODE_0; FLASH->ACR = (flash_acr & ~(FLASH_ACR_ICEN | FLASH_ACR_DCEN)) | (FLASH_ACR_ICRST | FLASH_ACR_DCRST); FLASH->ACR = flash_acr; #if defined(STM32L432xx) || defined(STM32L433xx) || defined(STM32L496xx) RCC->APB1ENR1 &= ~RCC_APB1ENR1_RTCAPBEN; #endif RCC->APB2ENR &= ~RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN; RCC->APB1ENR1 &= ~RCC_APB1ENR1_PWREN; SCB->VTOR = 0x00000000; /* This needs to be assembly code as GCC catches NULL * dereferences ... */ __asm__ volatile (' ldr r2, =0x00000000 \n' ' ldr r0, [r2, #0] \n' ' ldr r1, [r2, #4] \n' ' msr MSP, r0 \n' ' dsb \n' ' isb \n' ' bx r1 \n'); }
2017-11-16 4:46 AM
Looks like the code formatting does not work.
__attribute__((naked)) void reset_stm32l4xx(void)
{ uint32_t flash_acr; RCC->APB1ENR1 |= RCC_APB1ENR1_PWREN; RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN;#if defined(STM32L432xx) || defined(STM32L433xx) || defined(STM32L496xx) RCC->APB1ENR1 |= RCC_APB1ENR1_RTCAPBEN;#endif /* Switch to Main Flash @ 0x00000000. Make sure the I/D CACHE is * disabled to avoid stale data in the cache. */ flash_acr = FLASH->ACR; FLASH->ACR = flash_acr & ~(FLASH_ACR_ICEN | FLASH_ACR_DCEN); SYSCFG->MEMRMP = 0; PWR->CR1 |= PWR_CR1_DBP; while (!(PWR->CR1 & PWR_CR1_DBP)) { } if (!(RCC->BDCR & RCC_BDCR_RTCEN)) { RCC->BDCR |= RCC_BDCR_BDRST; RCC->BDCR &= ~RCC_BDCR_BDRST; } /* If RTC_CR_BCK is set it means the reset was triggered to * branch throu to the STM32 BOOTLOADER. */ if (RTC->CR & RTC_CR_BCK) { RTC->WPR = 0xca; RTC->WPR = 0x53; RTC->CR &= ~RTC_CR_BCK; RTC->WPR = 0x00; SYSCFG->MEMRMP = SYSCFG_MEMRMP_MEM_MODE_0; FLASH->ACR = (flash_acr & ~(FLASH_ACR_ICEN | FLASH_ACR_DCEN)) | (FLASH_ACR_ICRST | FLASH_ACR_DCRST); FLASH->ACR = flash_acr;#if defined(STM32L432xx) || defined(STM32L433xx) || defined(STM32L496xx) RCC->APB1ENR1 &= ~RCC_APB1ENR1_RTCAPBEN;#endif RCC->APB2ENR &= ~RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN; RCC->APB1ENR1 &= ~RCC_APB1ENR1_PWREN; SCB->VTOR = 0x00000000; /* This needs to be assembly code as GCC catches NULL * dereferences ... */ __asm__ volatile (' ldr r2, =0x00000000 \n' ' ldr r0, [r2, #0] \n' ' ldr r1, [r2, #4] \n' ' msr MSP, r0 \n' ' dsb \n' ' isb \n' ' bx r1 \n'); }2017-11-16 4:53 AM
Did you remap vtor?
2017-11-16 5:23 AM
Do I need to change it (How ?) even if I came from a software reset ?
2017-11-16 5:45 AM
Can you please repost with better formatting? Thanks!
2017-11-16 6:52 AM
Thank you for the suggestions
I did the modification to my assembler code ,starting the flash loader as per your suggestions unfortunately it does not fix the , problem.
NEW code follows:
, , ,LDR , , , , R0, =SystemInit,
, , , , , , , BLX , , , , R0,
, , , , , , , LDR , , , , R0, =__iar_program_start,
, , , , , , , BX , , , , , R0,
, modified reset checking flash loader,
, ,LDR , , , , R0, =0x20017ff0 , ,, ADR to check FW reload signature,
, ,LDR , ,R1, =0xDEADBEEF , ,, FW reload signature,
, ,LDR , ,R2,[R0, ♯ 0] , , ,,,
, ,STR , ,R0,[R0, ♯ 0] , , , , , , , , , Reset FW relod signature for successive startup,
, ,CMP , ,R2,R1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,
, ,BEQ , ,Reboot_Loader , ,, Jump to flash loader,
, ,LDR , , , , R0, =SystemInit,
, , , , , , , BLX , , , , R0,
, , , , , , , LDR , , , , R0, =__iar_program_start,
, , , , , , , BX , , , , , R0 , ,,
, reboot to flash loader,
, LDR , ,R0, =0x40021060 , , , , , RCC_APB2ENR,
, ,LDR , ,R1, ,=0x00004001 , ,, SysCFG + UART1 CLK,
, ,STR , ,R1, [R0, ♯ 0] , ,, Set it ,,
, ,LDR , ,R0, =0x40021060 , , , , , RCC_APB1ENR1,
, ,LDR , ,R1, ,=0x10000000 , ,, PWR interface clock,
, ,STR , ,R1, [R0, ♯ 0] , ,, Set it, ,LDR , ,R0, ,=0x40010000 , , , , , SYSCFG_MEMRMP
, ,LDR , ,R1, ,=0x00000001 , , , , , Remap system memory,
, ,STR , ,R1, [R0, ♯ 0] , ,, Set it, ,LDR , ,R0, ,=0x40022000 , , , , , FLASH->,ACR
, ,LDR , ,R1, ,=0x00000000 , , , , , No Data Chache No Instr Chache,
, ,STR , ,R1, [R0, ♯ 0] , ,, Set it, ,LDR , ,R0, ,=0xE000ED08 , , , , , SCB-VTOR Address
, ,LDR , ,R1, ,=0x1FFF0000 , , , , , Remap to system memory,
, ,STR , ,R1, [R0, ♯ 0] , ,, Set it,
, ,LDR , , , , R0, =0x1FFF0000 , , , , , System memory address,
, ,LDR , ,SP,[R0, ♯ 0] , , ,, Load SP,
, ,LDR , ,R0,[R0, ♯ 4] , , ,, Load Start address,
, ,BX , ,R0 , , , , ,, Jump to bootloaderBy using the debugger I see it is running in the Flash loader (system memory)