2013-09-05 05:42 AM
Dear Community,
i have an STM32L-Discovery Board with 24 segment display. I wanted to flash a programm with Keil uVision V4.70.0.0 (STLink is set to SW, but no Cortex M device is found), with IAR Embedded Workbench V6.60.1.5104 and STM Studio V3.1.1. I always followed the instruction manual from st.com for setting up the project and for flashing it right. I also tried a few other options. But there was always a prompt, that the target could not be found. I installed the Driver Software from st.com without any success. I flashed the newest and older Firmwareversions and at the end there was a prompt, that it was installed successfully. The Controller works with the programm which was preinstalled. So, the Controller can not be out of work. I have no external debugger, but can only use the mini-USB-port. The Windows System indentifies the controller as ST-USB-Device (ST-Dongle). I had uninstalled the Windows-driver and installed the driver from Microelectronics. Without any changes. I have no clue, what to do. The Chip hast the following label:STM32L152
CHN GH 122
If anyone could help me, I would be lucky. This is for a project on university. Any sugestions. Alex2013-09-05 07:13 AM
Use the firmware
C:\Keil\ARM\STLink\ST-LinkUpgrade.exe Do NOT use the ''ST-Link (Deprecated Version)'' debugger Select ''ST-Link Debugger'' in both the Debug and Utilities panes2013-09-06 12:36 AM
Hello Clive,
thank you for your answer. Aftersuccessfully flashing the new firmware I have the Version V2.JS0 (which seems to be not the newest one). But, when I want to Set the Debugger, it shows: No Cortex-M SW Device found (/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Discovery/Attachments/7439/Keil_STM32L_Problem.JPG
) . I plugged the device in and out, restarted the Keil application, without any changes. The Keil project is a blinky-project which was preinstalled. For a first test, I wanted to flash this programm. I have another Microcontroller from ST, the STM32F303 and this controller works fine. Like you see in File ''/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Discovery/Attachments/7439/Bildschirm_2.JPG
'', the debugger is found by Windows. The driver seems to be OK, too (/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Discovery/Attachments/7439/TreiberVersion.JPG
). But I have no clue, why it isn't found by Keil or other programming software. Maybe, there is no connection between the debugger and the ARM-chip. Edit: I also tried the instruction given by this link: http://www.keil.com/forum/21913/ ________________ Attachments : Bildschirm_2.JPG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzY5&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bOY%2FvXdtdxhYGG91L15.qSw8eR4sRU8lhkiFscFf0elp3N4&asPdf=falseKeil_STM32L_Problem.JPG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzcV&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bOU%2FXwyQjj_Sj0N0yFpOLRlXVZGhEu79ReRUOH1LkvMxv4A&asPdf=falseTreiberVersion.JPG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzH9&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bOV%2FazgYkE0U6vd3PeVTL8axGFRZ_vWFDHO08B6ZSI8dsXQ&asPdf=false2013-09-06 02:11 AM
Thank you for your hint. I'm sorr, but I think, I didn't wrote it correctly. I am using the internal debugger, which communicates over mini-USB with the computer. I have no external debugger and don't want to buy one. So, my question was: Is there a failure on the board (for example, that the built in debugger can't communicate with the chip) or did I made a mistake while trying to connect the board to the computer?
On the board I can't find BOOT ... This is the board I'm talking about: http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/PF250990 Edit: I found a BOOT0 on this board. Where do I have to connect it to?2013-09-06 02:32 AM
Maybe, there is no connection between the debugger and the ARM-chip.
That seems to be the case. Target is the STM32L1xx in your case. Coincidentially, the st-link hardware is also realized with a STM32. That could be confusing to beginners. If you can see the target running, you can probably rule out a missing Idd-measurement jumper. Alternatively, your application could have reconfigured the JTAG/SWD pins, or ignore the debugger in a sleep mode. In this cases, you can get the target into the bootloader modus by pulling BOOT0 to H and BOOT1 to L, and reset it. Then, use the Flash Loader Demonstrator software from ST's site to erase the Flash. See here:
2013-09-06 05:14 AM
There are no buttons populated to pull the BOOT pin(s).
I have made some proptotype hardware, including a TTL->RS232 converter, and a switch with wires, ending in pins which were cut off a female connector. Connect the switch to BOOT and GND or 3.3V (whichever level you need, see the linked document ...), connect a RS232 adapter, press the switch, and cycle power. The board should now be in bootloader mode. The interfaces supported in the bootloader depend on the MCU, but RS232 is always supported. For me, that works for the F0, F3 and F4-discovery in the same way. If you are fine with the onboard-stlink, it's ok. But if you check the schematics, there is no reset line from the st-link to the target. That means, you have exactly this problems if the target MCU actively refuses to cooperate with the debugger.2013-09-06 06:21 AM
You'd want to connect BOOT0 to VDD to get the device to reset into System Loader mode
If the device is not seen check also the CN3 jumpers are in place.2013-09-09 11:27 PM
sorry, I didn't reply the last days. Thank you for your hints. I connected the BOOT0 to VDD. Then there was a sound like a click but nothing changed. The CN3-Jumpers are both set.2013-09-10 12:15 AM
@fm: Could you please upload a picture of your TTL-circuit?
You can either use a 3.3V serial/USB converter, as available in many variants, or this: That is easy enough to hand-solder.2013-09-10 08:46 AM
Well I have no magic solution. If you can't see the chip with the ST-Link Utilities, and you can't find a connectivity issue in the SWDIO/SWCLK paths, then I'd probably conclude the part has failed.