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STM32L151CB Internal EEPROM bugs out

Associate II

Hello everyone,

For my current project, I am building a logger of sorts. Supposed to aquire data (from the ADC channels) over important time periods : looking for months of logging, with only a couple of notable events per week.

I was thining of storing such events on the internal EEPROM (4k), so they would be preserved in case power goes out. For that, I used the RM0038 and the HAL library on STM32 cube to write bits of code to read, write and clear EEPROM. (about 6 words per event)

I think I can successfully read it, with :

uint32_t EEPROM_Read_int32(uint32_t pos)


  uint32_t* uint32_pointer;

  uint32_t data;

  uint32_pointer = (uint32_t*) (0x08080000+pos);

  data = *uint32_pointer;

  return data;


I had decent success writing on it with

void EEPROM_Write_uint32(uint32_t pos, uint32_t data)






But terrible luck with erasing data with

void EEPROM_Clear(uint32_t pos)






When I want to clear EEPROM most of the time // when i want to write on EEPROM some times, the program just bugs out and I have to restart the card.

I assume it is because it is trying to write on already occupied words and clear empty words, but it does not work even with a check before using the read fonction.

Using step by step debug, it fizzles when I reach

"*(__IO uint32_t *) Address = 0x00000000U;"

Anyone has enough insight on EEPROM to help me solve this issue ?

Also, let me know if you wish more information.


What does "bugs out" mean in the context of where the processor is executing code?

Stuck in a while(1) in the Hard Fault Handler?

Best to have code in there that can output actionable data.

Alignment issues?

Something a watchdog would catch?

If you have a heart-beat interrupt toggling a pin, does that stop?

If interrupts still working, report address of code it is interrupting.

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What arguments are you passing? What are the HAL return values?

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For the clear function, I for now enter a basic number, like "EEPROM_CLEAR(1);"

"HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Unlock();" correctly returns HAL_OK.

The function then calls FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(Timeout) which also returns HAL_OK

Then it goes to the line "*(__IO uint32_t *) Address = 0x00000000U;" and is stuck on this line, it does not go to a hardfault or ...

It just stays there. I get a E31 error when I try to pause the program.

The clearest I can be is that the program stops responding, as if it does not find the cell where it's supposed to write / cannot write to it.

It is not stuck on a while(1), nor it goes to the error handler.

I used LED's and live variables to find out where exactly it was going wrong.

I doubt it is alignment issues because reading data at the same adress works perfectly.