2015-04-08 8:04 AM
I am using the micro STM32L151 and I found that after programming the micro some of the micro have problems accesing FLASH and EEPROM.I can not program the micros again because it is not possible to read the FLASH and also when I access the EEPROM to save a parameter the micro falls in a strange state and can not recover from it without resetting.Thanks in advance. #stm32l151-failure-access-flash2015-04-08 9:11 AM
Like a Hard Fault or something?
Sounds like you're going to have to do a bunch more debugging to get to the root cause here, and provide a more cogent description of the failure, not just the symptoms.It can't read the flash at all? You can't erase it?Voltages? Speeds? What are you doing to the memory before it fails?Can you replicate this is a different design/configuration. ie an EVAL or DISCO board?2015-04-08 9:55 AM
2015-04-08 10:19 AM
You could try the ''connect under reset'' type options.
Or strap BOOT0 High so it goes into the System Loader, which should be safe place to connect via SWD.Another method to get signs of life would be via the serial port to the System Loader, and confirm if it's responsive.