2017-07-17 12:24 AM
My projetct using RTC based on LSI : I've see a code example where the TIM21 Input Capture of TIM_CHANNEL_1 is connect internally to the LSI clock output; to mesure periode and ajust prescaler (STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.9.0\Projects\STM32L073RZ-Nucleo\Examples\RTC\RTC_LSI)
I'm trying to migrate this example on STM32 Cube, because my project use it and I'm not alone to developp, more secure to configure low level only one time with Cube, to prevent futher modifications
But it doesn't work, problem to remap LSI : Is there someone who have done this , is it working? How to remap LSI TIM21_TI1_LSI?
Thanks for your help
Best regards
#lsi-rtc #rtc-calibration #stm32l02017-07-17 2:46 AM
But it doesn't work,
Post code. Check the read-out values from respective registers.