2019-10-22 1:51 AM
We have a problem like "2.1.11 Unexpected system reset when waking up from Stop mode with
regulator in low-power mode", with chip revision Z, but with revision X too. This error occurs sometimes, even with workaround. Ist this topic completely solved? Are there circumstancs, which force this error, even with chip revision X? Could software detect this "unexpected reset", if it does not affect the NRST pin state and the flags in the Control/status register (RCC_CSR)?
The application is battery driven. It's waking up from Stop-Mode every 30 seconds and does some measurements. Every 10th wakeup (5 minutes) there are some further actions and external signaling. We find, that sometimes there must be an additional wakeup or unknown reset, which leads to shorter interval of 4:30 Min or less.