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STM32L031K6 ISP not work

Associate II

STM32 only connect VCC and UART2. Can it download programs with ISP(UART2 PA2-3)?


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Chip failure

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> Can it download programs with ISP(UART2 PA2-3)?

For individual bootloader options, check AN2606.

Isn't there activity on other bootloader interfaces' pins? If yes, the bootloader may errorneously think that communication goes there.

BOOT0 is connected how? NRST is connected how?

Communication is provided how? Check using oscilloscope the waveform on the UART_Rx pin.

Does the chip work at all? Check all VDD/GND pins. Is power supply OK?

It's always better to start with a "known good" hardware e.g. a Nucleo board, which has also USB-VCP support in its on-board STLink.


Show a schematic.

If analogue supply pins, make sure they are wired too.

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Thanks I've solved it​

Chip failure

Thanks I've solved it​

Chip failure