2021-08-12 9:43 PM
I am using stm32L031G6U6S controller , to generate code stm32cubeMX is using MDK5 for IDE,I am able to select stm32L031G6U6S device in stm32cubeMX but in MDK5 its showing one or more DFP is not finding even after updating DFP of L0 latest version , STM32L031G6XXSUXS device not found but i am selected stm32l031G6U6S why it is showing different device name ? what might be the problem?
2021-08-13 7:53 AM
Hello @Sgr.1,
I check the product device list and I found the STM32L031G6 :
please make sure to use latest package !
Mohamed Aymen
2021-08-13 9:39 PM
Hello sir,
thanks for your replay. now I just go through the process how i have done for the project creation
I am using latest version of stm32cube from that i am selecting STM32L031G6UXS device(Fig1), saving project and generating code through STM32cubeMX (Fig2),I code able to generate code successfully(Fig 3), using latest version if Keil MDK 5 , once i open my project keil moving to package installer window(Fig 4), in Keil also device is finding and its showing in green colour (fig 5), i have installed lastest version of DFP pack from keil ,after that also keil is showing one or more device pack is not found (fig 6), you can see properly in fig(7), just i ignore everything and proceeded later it showed error message as device STM32L031G6XXSUXS is not found, i selected STM32L031G6UXS but y this is showing STM32L031G6XXSUXS is not found???
and i ordered for this STM32L031G6UXS MCU i cant change controller also now what i should do?????for STM32L0 keil is providing DFP latest 2.1.0 Version and i installed this version only but y it is showing device is not found ??????????
2021-08-13 9:41 PM
arey why it is not showing any images:( wait sir i will post
2021-08-13 9:43 PM
Hello sir,
thanks for your reply. now I just go through the process how i have done for the project creation
I am using latest version of stm32cube from that i am selecting STM32L031G6UXS device(Fig1), saving project and generating code through STM32cubeMX (Fig2),I code able to generate code successfully(Fig 3), using latest version if Keil MDK 5 , once i open my project keil moving to package installer window(Fig 4), in Keil also device is finding and its showing in green colour (fig 5), i have installed lastest version of DFP pack from keil ,after that also keil is showing one or more device pack is not found (fig 6), you can see properly in fig(7), just i ignore everything and proceeded later it showed error message as device STM32L031G6XXSUXS is not found, i selected STM32L031G6UXS but y this is showing STM32L031G6XXSUXS is not found???
and i ordered for this STM32L031G6UXS MCU i cant change controller also now what i should do?????
attached document contains images of each step please go through
2021-08-14 1:19 AM
Yes, so slightly different naming between CubeMX vs Keil and how that evolves over time, and if the same contemporary packs are used.
Once project is loaded in Keil, go to the Project Options, and got to the Device Pane and select the make/model being used.
I can see this might still present some issues, as Keil will perhaps pull it's own versions of the libraries, and you'll get errors in the build.
If that's the case you'll need to pick Packs which are contemporary with the generation tools, not necessarily the newest ones. ST might do a better job stating the specific MDK/Pack version they expect, or just auto-generating code based on what's actually available in the \Keil5xx\ARM\Pack directories.
Finally the other option is to stop relying on auto-generation tools and learn to build a project in Keil from scratch, or create a donor project for the IC, and then merge in the code the auto-gen tool spits out.
2021-08-16 12:54 AM
Hello @Sgr.1,
Try to download the latest version from here (Keil.STM32L0xx_DFP.2.1.0.pack)
Mohamed Aymen.
2021-08-17 10:31 PM
downloaded but same error is coming :(
2021-08-17 10:35 PM
@Community member thanks for your reply
tried by adding device under project option but after build end up with so many errors now i am trying to solve those.