2021-07-17 7:22 AM
As mentioned in the datasheet of STM32L053 with Stop mode + RTC + 8-Kbyte RAM, current consumption is 0.8 μA. I have the STM32L053 Discovery board and to test the stop mode on it I'm using example code provided by ST. Path of the example code: ~\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.1.0\Projects\STM32L053C8-Discovery\Examples\PWR\PWR_STOP_RTC
Both example code v1.1.0 (Old) and v1.12.0 (latest) are the same.
With the example code the current consumption is ~180μA on the discovery board. I'm measuring the current at Idd (JP4) pin 1 and 2. Current consumed is much higher than mentioned the datasheet.
Is there any more step to be followed to reduce the current? Please suggest
2021-07-17 12:55 PM
Do you use the debugger? Then don't.
2021-07-17 2:02 PM
Set DBG_CR to zero before entering low-power mode and disconnect the debugger physically.