2013-03-17 12:42 PM
I'm new in ST micro controllers. I'm trying to write I2C application that sends and receives data with interrupts, but I can't find information about it.May be anybody knows where to find examples of code of it?Thanks a lot!Michael #i2c #stm32l152 #stm32l-dev2013-03-17 1:49 PM
I2C with interrupts can get quite involved on the STM32 parts. Have you looked through the STM32L-Discovery and STM32L152-EVAL board firmware examples? There should be some I2C stuff in there, although perhaps not with interrupt examples.
Do you have some links to this STM32L-DEV board?2013-03-17 2:24 PM
Hello clive1,
Here the link: http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF250990I need interrupts examples, because i2c communication is one of many parts of my application.Thanks